Page 31 of His to Possess

“How good of a cook are you?” I ask her.

“If it’s not microwaveable, I don’t touch it,” she tells me with a lopsided smile.

I chuckle. “Well, shit, we might be in trouble then.” I start scavenging through my cupboards and it’s been a while since I’ve been up here. Still though, I like to keep the pantry stocked with a few non-perishables. We end up finding an unopened box of crackers, a carton of macaroni and cheese and a can of chicken noodle soup. Not the greatest combination and I’m debating whether or not to drive into town when she pulls out a couple of pots and a can opener.

“This is fine,” she tells me. “I used to live on this stuff.”

She holds up the box of mac and cheese and shakes it.That’s going to change,I tell myself. I plan to take her out to fancy restaurants and feed her gourmet meals until she’s ready to burst. My gaze moves down her body. She’s too thin. It definitely wouldn’t hurt for her to put on a few more pounds.

“For now, I guess. We can go to the grocery store later and stock up. I’ll make you some lasagna and cannoli.”

“You’re so very Italian,” she teases.

“Hell, yes, I am. And damn proud of it.”

We start working on the food and settle into a comfortable routine.

“So, you’re close to your siblings and parents?” she asks, stirring the noodles in the the boiling water.

“We’re very close. My parents live in Sicily, but we visit a lot and spend Christmas there every year.”

“That’s nice.” I can’t miss the wistful tone in her voice and it hits me hard that the one thing I’ve always had, that I’ve taken for granted—a family who loves me—is the one thing she wants.

Then the craziest thought flits through my head—I can give her that. My family is big and if Blake and I have a relationship, a marriage, children, then I could gift her what her heart has always yearned to have.

Hell, that’s a heavy thought and I’m not sure if I’m even ready for any of that. Or, maybe I am. Maybe that’s why I’ve been so restless lately. Because I know one thing for sure—when I’m with Blake, all those restless feelings go away. She fills something up inside of me and makes me curious about what it would be like to actually settle down one day.

Damn, where are all of these crazy thoughts coming from? My attention settles on the woman stirring everything up inside me, making it feel like my emotions are in a blender. I barely know her, but she’s making me want things. Things I’ve always avoided and never thought would be mine.

Now, though, I’m not so sure.

“What’s your full name?” I ask as I set the table. My question makes her freeze and she stops stirring the noodles in the boiling water.

“Blake Serrano,” she finally says and my damn heart nearly explodes with happiness. By telling me something so personal, I know she must trust me and that makes me a really happy man.

“Got a middle name?” I ask.

She shrugs. “I honestly don’t know. There wasn’t a middle name on my birth certificate and, if my mom gave me one, I can’t remember.”

A fierce sadness washes over me and I set the fork down and walk over to her, slipping my arms around her waist, turning her to face me. “I’m Angelo Carlo Rossi and I think if you had a middle name, it would definitely be butterfly, but in Italian. You’re Blake Farfalla Serrano.”

“That’s kind of pretty.”

“It’s a beautiful name for an ever more beautiful woman.” I lower my head and capture her lips in a kiss. I’m not planning on it to turn so passionate so fast, but the moment her mouth opens, I slide my tongue past her lips and deepen the kiss. She moans into my mouth, crushing her breasts against my chest, and it’s nearly my undoing.

My dick comes alive, pressing painfully against my zipper, and I grab Blake and lift her up onto the cool granite countertop. Her legs wrap around my waist and I pull her to the edge, grinding against her center, right where she needs. Her nails dig into my skin and she rubs against me, tilting her body slightly.

She starts whimpering and I think she might be close when my damn phone starts ringing. “Fuck,” I hiss and pull back.

“Nooo,” she moans, refusing to let go.

“It’s probably Miceli. I need to get it.” I drop a quick kiss on her lips and notice the water boiling over in the pot. “Uh, and you might want to grab that.”

“Oh, shit!” she exclaims and hops off the counter.

With a chuckle, I swipe my phone up and see it is my older brother. “Hey, Miceli,” I answer. “What’s going on?”

“Hey, Ang. A couple of things. I found out a little more about Carmine Gallo. He arrived in town about a month ago and it sounds like he’s interested in taking over as much here as he can. He’s been inquiring about our family and the other mafia families. From what I’m hearing, it sounds like he wants to take over the Five Families alliance. Or, possibly crush it by stirring up trouble.”