Page 30 of His to Possess

“I’m glad you finally told me your real name. It fits you.”

She tilts her head back, looking up at me. “How so?”

“It’s a strong name and you are a very strong woman.”

“If you only knew,” she whispers.

I wait for her to continue, surprised by her statement, but she remains quiet. “Knew what? You can tell me anything. It won’t leave these walls. This truly is a safe place. I promise.”

She seems to consider my words then gives me a sad smile. The vulnerability that flits through her eyes is damn near heartbreaking.

“I wasn’t always so tough. It’s something I had to learn growing up.”

“Did you have a rough childhood?”

She nods and, to my utter surprise and delight, continues talking. “My dad left after my mom told him she was pregnant. She was only sixteen and her parents were upset and kicked her out of the house. Mom died when I was only five and I got stuck in the foster care system. It was a pretty scary place for a little girl to be.”

“Shit, I’m so sorry.” I think back over my childhood and it was the best. Practically perfect. My parents loved me and my siblings more than anything despite our tendency to get into all kinds of shenanigans. I remember running wild outside through the vineyard, plucking grapes off the vines and eating them. We would play games together as a family and, no matter what, we always had each other’s backs. Imagining this amazing woman being a scared, little girl makes my heart clench.

“I got bounced around a lot. Never really knew what it was like to have a family of my own, but I made it. I was always determined to survive and I did.”

“You’re the strongest woman I’ve ever met,la mia farfalla.I’m in awe.”

“Maybe that’s why I’m such a loner now,” she muses. “Not having anyone to depend on or turn to…I don’t know. It hardens a person.”

“You might be tough, but you’re not hard. I’ve seen your soft, vulnerable side.”

“I try not to be,” she admits quietly. “Being vulnerable never helped a situation and, in order to survive, I had to put up walls and grow thick skin.”

I can’t imagine what she must have experienced growing up, but now I better understand why she is the way she is. “How many foster homes did you go through?” I ask, dreading the answer.

“I ran away from my last one when I was seventeen. After twelve years in the system and going through maybe four or five homes a year…” Her voice trails off. “I don’t know, sixty different placements or so?”

“Jesus,” I whisper, tightening my arms around her. “And none of them were good?”

She shook her head. “Not to me. The places I went just wanted another kid in the house so the state would give them more money. They were supposed to use that money to buy food and stuff, but I can’t tell you how many nights I went to bed hungry, my stomach growling.”

A fierce protectiveness swells up inside me and all I want to do is comfort this beautiful, scarred soul cuddled up against me. I can’t begin to imagine the hell she went through—something no child should ever have to deal with—and I reach over to lift her chin up and kiss her tenderly. After a few seconds, I pull back, wanting to keep talking before things escalate.

Insane.For the first time in my life, I want to get to know a woman better and sit here and talk rather than have sex. Who am I?

Then a horrible thought occurs to me.

“Did anyone ever hurt you physically?” I ask, searching her pretty eyes.

“I got hit a few times, sure, but nothing too awful or that I couldn’t handle. And, of course, there were some creeps who tried to sneak into my bedroom at night, but I got smart. If they started looking at me funny, I’d wedge a chair under the door knob. I always shared a room with other kids and sometimes we’d move the dresser in front of the door, too. Just as an extra precaution. I never wanted to wake up to a late night visitor in my bed and I always slept with one eye open. It’s probably why I don’t need much sleep now.”

Because she’s always on the alert, ready to bolt if a threat appears. My heart squeezes painfully in my chest. I hate that. “Blake, I need you to know you’re completely safe here and you can sleep comfortably without any fear. You can trust me. And if you want your own bedroom, there are plenty. Take your pick.”

“Thank you. No one’s ever been so sweet to me. But, I like being close to you, Angelo. You make me feel secure.” She curls up in a ball, pressing close to my chest.


The thought consumes me, and I tighten my arms around her even more and lower my chin on top of her head. The woman in my arms absolutely amazes me and I will do anything to keep her safe. Above all, I hope that I can earn her trust. It’s not something she gives out lightly. Hell, I’m not sure there’s evenone person in her world she fully trusts—but, I vow that person is going to be me.

Everything about her makes so much sense now. Her solitary job, the way she keeps a shield around herself, refusing to get close to people, how she uses a fake name. My poor butterfly has been hurt one too many times, but now she has me. My family and I will make sure she’s protected and get to the bottom of what’s going on.

After resting a little bit, we both realize we’re starving. Running for your life works up quite an appetite and, after getting dressed, we head into the kitchen area.