For a while, I watch him, unable to look away. I’m very impressed and never would’ve guessed he was a pilot. Not manypeople surprise me anymore, but Angelo is surprising me in the best of ways.
“When did you learn to fly?” I ask. He’s definitely in his element and handles the controls like an expert.
“Started taking lessons when I was sixteen. I’ve always loved being up in the air surrounded by a blue sky with nothing but the horizon in the distance. I like to come up here to think.”
“So it relaxes you. Not me,” I say with a little chuckle.
“Don’t worry. You’re in capable hands.”
My tummy does a little flip when I think about his large hands on my body, touching me. Swallowing hard, I turn my attention back out the windshield and tell myself to relax and enjoy the ride. It’s not being so high up that bothers me. It’s me giving up control and putting total faith in someone else to take care of me. I can’t deny it’s a bit nerve wracking.
And, eventually, I do start to like being up here in the clouds with Angelo. He keeps my nerves at bay by maintaining a constant stream of chatter which helps me focus on him and our conversation. My nerves melt away and I release all the anxiety that has built up since last night.
The darkness is giving way to morning and it isn’t long before a magnificent sunrise fills the sky to our east.
“Oh, wow,” I murmur, admiring the sudden burst of pinks, yellows and oranges splashing across the sky. “It’s so pretty.”
“Absolutely stunning,” he agrees.
But he isn’t looking at the sun; he’s looking straight at me.
My mind starts to conjure up all kinds of scenarios with Angelo and every single one of them ends with us being together. Forever. I know I’m probably just being a silly, lonely girl, taken in by his charm and good looks, but it’s so easy to fall into his honey trap. He’s casting a spell over me, making me want him in ways that I’ve never wanted a man before.
I want him in my arms…in my bed…in my life.
And, damn, those are dangerous thoughts to be having. Angelo isn’t the kind of guy to stick around long once he gets what he wants. I know his type from a mile away.
But, what if, just maybe, things could be different with me?
No one has ever taken care of me before. It’s always just been me, myself and I, so his concern hits me in the heart. Hard. I would never say I need a man in my life, but I’m discovering it’s nice to be held in a pair of strong, warm arms. And don’t even get me started on his kisses because they’re absolutely divine and panty-melting. The deep, drugging kind that I wouldn’t mind indulging in again very soon.
Truthfully, I don’t want to like him this much. The idea of being vulnerable and putting my heart on the line isn’t something I want to do. But I’m not sure I can resist Angelo Rossi for much longer.
The flight is long enough that I have time to get comfortable and rest my eyes. The hum of the rotors lulls me into a light doze and Angelo encourages me to sleep. Even so, I don’t sleep fully because I always need to be aware of my surroundings. Always vigilant and ready to spring into action because you never know.
Every so often, I can feel Angelo’s gaze on me, watching over me, making sure I’m okay. I wonder what he really thinks whenit comes to me. I know that I’m a hard nut to crack and not like other women which may or may not work in my favor.
I guess only time will tell. Secretly, though, I really want him to be as interested in me as I am in him. Even though I’m pretty sure that’s just wishful thinking on my part.
When we finally touch down in Maine on the landing pad behind his cabin, I’m awake and excited to check the place out. I immediately realize the term “cabin” is the understatement of the year. After exiting the helicopter, I turn and face the huge log structure, hands on my hips, eyes wide in surprise. I had been expecting a small cottage or a shack even, but this place should be on a television episode that highlights beautifully rugged homes in the wilderness.
“This place is amazing!” I declare. It’s two levels and has a big wrap-around porch. Once the helo stops rumbling, I realize the only thing I can hear is the chattering of birds and other wildlife. We’re surrounded by woods and I instantly fall in love. It’s the complete opposite of the concrete jungle we left behind, and, for the first time in a very long time, I feel a sense of freedom.
“C’mon, let’s go inside. You can explore while I call Miceli and explain what’s happening.”
I nod and follow him across the expansive green lawn, up a set of wide stairs and onto the back porch. As he unlocks the door, I can’t help but be in awe. Growing up, I had nothing and even with all the money I have now, it occurs to me that I don’t really spend it. I just hoard it away, just in case. I don’t need a lot and I’m not a girly girl who requires luxurious things. But, I think the main reason is because I have an inner fear that I could be poor once again.
The inside of Angelo’s home away from home is just as amazing as I would’ve guessed. High, vaulted ceilings with exposed beams, lots of natural light flooding through the big windows, a huge stone fireplace and all the comforts of home. Angelo immediately calls his brother and I take a few minutes to explore. I start checking the entire place out, falling more in love with it than ever.
Trailing my hand along the wooden railing, I start up the steps, wanting to see what the upstairs looks like. I find three roomy bedrooms and head down the hallway toward what must be the master suite. Stepping inside, my jaw drops. First off, the view from the windows is stunning and I walk over to look out at the tranquil lake. Turning slightly, my gaze lands on the King-sized bed covered in a plaid comforter of navy blue and hunter green. I wonder how many woman Angelo has flown up here and fucked in that bed. Swallowing down the bile rising in my throat, I try not to think too hard about that. He’s allowed to do whatever and whomever he chooses.
It’s none of your business,I tell myself.
I pop my head into the very big bathroom and right away notice the large soaking tub and wide-open shower lined with huge, multi-colored stones. There’s no door or curtain and a waterfall shower head hanging above.Wow.This place is fantastic and I’m excited about staying here for a few days. Or, at least until things cool down.
After a bit more peeking around, I head back downstairs and find Angelo in the big, open-plan kitchen making us a couple mugs of coffee with a Keurig machine. He looks up and smiles, then he hands me a steaming mug of much-needed caffeine.
“Thank you,” I murmur.