Page 26 of His to Possess

I watch, heart in my throat while she’s the epitome of calm and collected. Damn, I admire her. At the same time, I don’t want either of us to get caught in the middle of a shoot-out. I guess it doesn’t matter what I want though because bullets start flying and she yells at me to get down.

Without a gun, there’s not much I can do to help, so I drop down and send up a silent prayer that we make it to the airport before this hunk of junk car is riddled with bullets.

“Actually, scratch that. Angelo, take the wheel!”

I pop up and grab the wheel without a second thought and my girl wedges herself halfway out the window and starts firing her gun.

“Holy fucking shit.” I’m trying to steer, but the car swerves and she falls back inside, bumping me. “Sorry!”

“Keep it straight!”

“I know!” Easier said than done when I’m still half-sitting in the passenger seat. Scooting over, I shove my foot down onthe accelerator, taking over for her and, despite the awkward position I’m in, I know that I need to keep the car steady so she can get rid of the persistent assholes chasing after us. It’s a good thing the streets are quiet because the air around us is peppered in bullets. My girl manages to shoot out the windshield and front tire of one car and it ends up crashing into the other, taking them both out.

“Yeah!” I cheer, eyes on the road, guiding us forward. The only pursuer left is the motorcyclist and Butterfly pauses to reload her gun. Then she’s turning, hanging out the window so far that it’s giving me heart palpitations, and firing off more shots. I’m ready to grab her if she slips, but she’s doing a helluva good job and it isn’t long before the last guy goes down, his bike swerving then skidding sideways and wiping out on the road behind us.

She slides back down into the driver’s seat and I move back over to the passenger side, letting her drive again. We’re just pulling into the airport when I notice her wince.

“What’s wrong?” I ask and she grimaces.

“Nothing. Just a scratch.”

Somehow, I don’t quite believe her. I frown, determined to look her over as soon as we’re out of the car. Pointing to a hanger, she drives over and turns the car off. I’m immediately up and out, hurrying around to help her out. After opening the door, she waves me off.

“I said I’m?—”

“You’re not fine,” I interrupt, noticing her torn leather jacket and the blood seeping through. “You’re bleeding.”

“Just a graze.”

She allows me to help her out and I’m standing firm. “We’re not going anywhere until you let me fix that up quick.”

She huffs out a sigh then nods.

“C’mon.” I unlock the hanger door and we go inside. There’s a First Aid kit in a cabinet that I often use because I get a lot of nicks and cuts while I’m working on the helo. Flying is something I’ve always enjoyed, but I also like the mechanics of it. I think it’s important to understand how your aircraft works, especially if something goes wrong.

Once I get Little Miss Independent seated in a chair, we carefully peel her jacket off and I take a look at the damage. She’s right, it’s only a graze, but that’s enough. I don’t like seeing her bleed, and I quickly clean her arm and wrap it up. For good measure, I press a kiss right above the bandage.

“What was that for?” she asks, a little breathlessly.

“To make it all better.” I give her a smile. “That’s what my mom used to do whenever one of us got hurt.”

For a long moment, we stare at each other. I can’t wait to get us safely tucked away in my cabin. From that heated look on her pretty face, I have a feeling things are about to get steamy and I can’t wait.



The helicopter lifts up and even though I’m securely buckled in, my heart is racing and I cling to the seat. The further away the ground gets, the more my stomach flutters. Of course, that also might have something to do with the amazing man in the pilot seat.

“Ever been on a helicopter ride before, kitten?” Angelo asks.

His deep, playful voice comes through clearly in my headset and I look over at him. “No, never.”

“Don’t be nervous. I’ll get us safely out of here and up to Maine.”

“Maine?” I echo. We never did have a chance to discuss our destination. That little tidbit makes me realize how much I’ve grown to trust him. Which is very strange for me. I don’t trust easily. Hell, I don’t trust anyone.

“Yeah. I have a cabin up there. No one except my brothers and sister know about it. We’ll be safe there.”