Holy hell.Lust pounds through my veins and I kiss her back hard, my hands skimming down her back and curving over her ass. I squeeze and lift her higher, placing her core right where I need it—against my throbbing dick. She wiggles slightly and I groan into her mouth.
Suddenly, things go from wickedly slow to fast and furious. Our kisses become that hot, all-consuming kind. Deep, wet, needy. I rock my hips up and she momentarily freezes then slowly begins to grind against me.
“Fuck, you feel good,” I rasp, dropping my face down to her neck and sucking on the delicate skin there. My hands move to her hips, helping her to find her rhythm, encouraging her to keep moving. Damn, I only have my gym shorts on and the friction is going to kill me, but that’s a chance I’m willing to take.
I’m hyped up on adrenaline from being chased and from this gorgeous woman who smells like a lavender bud and moves like a desperate angel. My hands slide under the hem of her tanktop, hook onto the sides of her jeans and skim over to the button above her zipper. But the moment I unfasten it, she pulls away, hands pushing against my chest, breathing hard. She’s staring at me, eyes a little dazed, and I let go of her jeans. Instead, I grip her hips again.
“Too fast?”
Suddenly, the badass I’ve seen all night turns into a shy woman I barely recognize.
“A little,” she whispers. “I thought…”
I wait for her to complete the thought, but she merely shakes her head and presses her lips together.
“You thought what?” I press. Instead of answering, she slides off my lap and I reluctantly let go.
“I thought I could be someone I’m not,” she admits in a quiet voice.
“And who’s that?”
For a long moment, she doesn’t say anything.
“I don’t know,” she finally whispers. She sounds so lost, so forlorn that it makes my chest tighten.
“Maybe the better question,” I amend, “is who are you?”
“Someone who got you into a lot of trouble and I really am sorry about that.”
I reach out and pluck her hand up, lightly caressing her slender fingers. “There’s no need to apologize. Honestly, this has been one of the best nights I’ve had in a long time. Maybe ever.”
Her brow knits together in a frown. “You think having people hunt you down and try to kill you is a good night?”
“No. I think meeting you made it a good night.”
Her pretty face flushes and our fingers keep tangling and untangling. “You’re such a charmer.”
My mouth edges up. “True. But, lately, my life has been boring and predictable. You spiced it up and I think I needed that.”
“I’m going to do everything in my power to get us out of this situation,” she promises.
“And afterwards?”
“What do you mean?”
“I’m thinking after all the trouble and stress you put me through tonight, you at least owe me a date.” I keep my tone teasing and light, but I mean it. I want to take her out, spoil her rotten and then take her to bed and give her so much pleasure, she’s going to be screaming for more.
She just blinks at me like she’s never heard the term before.
“Well? What do you say? I know the best Italian place in the city.”
“Um. I—” Her voice falters. “I’ll have to think about it.”
Ouch.That hurt. Most women are chasing after me for a date. Setting my bruised ego aside, I tilt my head and try to make lightof her rejection. I don’t want her to be uncomfortable. “What? You don’t like Italian?”
“No, it’s just…a complicated situation.”
“Not on my end.” I lift her hand up, turn it over and press my lips against her soft palm. “I like you. And I’d like to get to know you better.”