Page 18 of His to Possess


“Damn, you don’t offer up much information, do you?”

“I don’t know what you want me to say.”

“Just a simple yes or no. I thought that was a safe question, but I guess I was wrong.”

“I…wasn’t close to my mom or dad.” I have no idea what possesses me to tell him that, but the words just sort of leave my mouth. I don’t want his sympathy and, to my surprise, he doesn’t give me any. Instead, his eyes fill with a steely anger.

“Then they were idiots because anyone who has a daughter as cool as you should consider themselves lucky.” He leans closer and my breath catches in my throat. “I find you absolutely fascinating.”

For a moment, I can’t breathe. He’s so close and I just blink stupidly, at a complete loss as his spicy scent fills my nose. Finally, after what feels like forever, I find my words.

“You do?” I sputter. His confession throws me for a loop. I don’t know if he’s flirting or bullshitting me or just passing the time with meaningless conversation. It’s not so much that he’s hard to read, but more so that I have very poor skills when it comes to reading men and even less when it comes to getting my flirt on. But, hand me a gun or a knife and I’m ready to rock and roll.

God, I’m weird and backwards. No wonder I’m alone and find it much more to my liking than socializing. I’d rather talk about weapons than makeup. And I know a helluva lot more about being single and alone then trying to be some kind of seductive siren.

Angelo, on the other hand? Without a doubt, he is a player extraordinaire. The kind of man who will swoop in and charm the pants—and panties—right off any woman who crosses his path. And, I have a very good feeling the women he’s known have shed their undergarments without hesitation.

When it comes to the game of love and seduction, he’s definitely a shark while I’m a minnow. But, for some crazy, inexplicable reason, I’m ready to head out into deeper water and try something I’ve never done before.

Go swimming with a shark.



I’ve never met anyone like this woman and she has my full attention. Even though she acts so tough and aloof, I’ve caught glimpses of other things. Of a woman who hides behind some damn tall walls and was hurt deeply in her past. I’m not sure why I care or why I want her to open up to me. It makes no sense, especially knowing I’m a one-night kind of guy.

I don’t do serious relationships, but this Butterfly is making some very different ideas—dangerous ideas—begin to float through my mind.

Sitting back, giving her some space, I study her beautiful face. If I’m not careful, those bright, intelligent aqua eyes will suck me in and never let go like some kind of black hole. No, forget that. They’re more like a deep blue trench you find in the ocean. Those fathomless ones that seem almost bottomless.

Her dark hair frames her face and it’s long and loose, and I get the urge to run my fingers through it. To pull it hard. And don’t even get me started on her body. I have no doubt that endless, perfect curves are hidden beneath those clothes. She saw mewithout a stitch on and I kind of think I deserve to see her now. Tit for tat, right?

Once again, her focus moves to my mouth. I’ve kissed many women in my time and I know that look only too well. She wants me to kiss her. Not one to ever want to disappoint such a gorgeous woman, I reach over, place two fingers under her chin and tilt it up.

“If I didn’t know better, I’d say you want to be kissed,” I murmur, my voice husky.

She swallows hard. “Why would I want that?”

“I don’t know. Maybe it’s been a while or maybe you’re feeling it, too.”

“Feeling what?”

“This crazy chemistry.” I trace my thumb over her full, bottom lip. “Are you going to deny it? Though it might just be easier to just prove you wrong.”

I lean in, and when she doesn’t pull back, I take that as encouragement. Slowly, not wanting to make her skittish, I brush my lips over hers, barely tasting her. It might be the most chaste kiss I’ve ever given a woman and when she pulls back and frowns, I know I messed up.

But not for the reason I think.

“That’s it?” she asks, looking so disappointed I’m not sure whether to laugh or be insulted.

Ah, so my little butterfly wants more. Damn, I like this feisty woman. Way, way too much.

Without commenting, I cup her face then go in for a second attempt. This time, however, I don’t hold back. Coaxing her lips apart, I sweep my tongue into her mouth and begin to explore. She tastes sweet and I deepen the kiss, demanding more from her. She responds, hesitantly at first, but then her arms wrap around my neck and she pulls me closer. I feel her body arch against mine, her breasts crushing against my chest, and I pull her even tighter to me. Until she’s practically sitting on my lap. The kiss goes on and on, and we take our time getting to know each other better. She might not want to talk to me but, damn, she’s more than eager to make up for it in kisses.

Eventually, we come up for air and those incredible aqua eyes of hers slow-blink at me. They’re bright with passion and I’m trying to process what exactly I’m feeling when she straddles my lap, grabs my face and slams her mouth against mine again.