Page 16 of His to Possess

“This is why you need to stay with me until we get some answers. Because right now, we’re both wanted. Dead or alive. And every bounty hunter and assassin in this city is going to be out looking for us.”



I’m trying to make Grady—I mean, Angelo—understand the severity of the situation. I don’t exactly understand yet how John Grady knew I was coming for him and, dammit, I hate being outsmarted. It’s my job to stay at least one or two steps ahead of everyone else at all times. And tonight I failed epically.

It’s important to remain calm and figure a way out of our dire predicament. But with every NYC bounty hunter after us, I’m a bit at a loss. I’m having trouble wrapping my head around the fact this Grady character flipped the tables on me. Someone must’ve tipped him off. But, that still doesn’t explain how Angelo and I ended up on the Kill List. I’m pissed, but I need to take a deep breath and look at the big picture. Look at the entire situation with an objective point of view.

Now it’s time to get things back on track. Otherwise, the end result is going to be disastrous for me and the man I now have to protect. Because, yeah, Angelo Rossi has just become my responsibility whether I like it or not.

“We need to lay low for the night,” I say as I unlock the building’s back door. This place is located in a questionable neighborhoodand I never come here. No one knows about it and, unless someone followed us here, we should be safe. I did my best to make sure that didn’t happen, though, and I feel confident that we’ll be okay.

At least, I hope so. At the way this night is going, I’m not going to count out anything or anybody. Staying alert and aware of my surroundings is key.

As we hike up the dimly-lit staircase, Angelo mutters, “I didn’t sign up for this John Wick shit, you know.”

“I know.” Even though I never apologize, I feel bad for dragging Angelo into such a big mess. “I’m sorry.”

He leans in closer as though he couldn’t quite hear the mumbled apology. “What’s that?” he teases. “Didn’t quite hear you.”

When I don’t respond, he nudges me with an elbow.

“Sorry,” I repeat sincerely. “I truly didn’t mean for things to go down like this.”

He seems to consider my words for a moment then gives me a shrug and those adorable simples of his pop out. “Well, I suppose it hasn’t been all bad.”

We pause outside a door and I look up at him. Why does he have to be so incredibly attractive? It’s doing funny things to my insides. Making them hum and sing with increasing awareness.

“It’s been awful,” I say. “If you haven’t noticed, people are trying to kill us.”

“I might have a solution to that problem,” he says as I unlock the door and we step into the apartment’s small living room. It’s dark and dingy, and the last place I want to be right now.

I don’t have a lot of faith in Angelo’s ability to actually be able to help the situation but, at this point, I’m open to ideas. “Oh? And what’s that?” I ask, quickly shutting and locking the door behind us. I slide the second and third bolts into place. Just to be safe.

“I can call my older brother Miceli. He’ll take care of it.”

I raise a dubious brow. “The bounty for our heads has been set and it’s high. How is he going to change that?”

“Miceli is one of the heads of the Five Families. He has a lot of power and influence over this city.”

“Maybe when it comes to certain things, but I doubt his influence extends to my world.”

“I think you’d be surprised.”

I shrug a shoulder. “We’ll be safe for tonight. But if you want to call him in the morning, go for it. I’m just not going to hold my breath.”

“Way to be optimistic,” he says, and I can’t help but frown.

Optimism is an emotion I’ve rarely felt in my life. I discovered early on, the world is a dark, scary place filled with bad people who have even worse intentions. I’ve spent most of my life viewing the glass as half empty not full. And sometimes there’s not even a damn glass at all.

“Excuse me, for not being Miss Pollyanna Sunshine, but I’m a realist. And, right now, the blunt truth is we’re royally fucked.”

“I’m just trying to stay positive over here and you’re not helping.”

I shake my head and walk over to the window, making sure the curtains are drawn tightly shut and no one can see in, not even acrack. He moves up beside me, his energy and warmth radiating over and searing through me when his arm brushes against mine.

Ignore it,I tell myself. Just ignore him and the way he’s making you feel.