“I’ll show you danger,” she grumbles and punches me in the arm.
“Ow,” I grimace, rubbing my biceps. “You’re a lot stronger than you look. You know that?”
She rolls her eyes in answer. “Only a handful of people know about this safehouse, but…” Her voice trails off and she looks worried. “No one should come looking here.”
“Well, then wouldn’t it be most logical to stay here?”
“I can’t just sit here indefinitely. I need answers and I’m going to find them.”
Yep, she’s a total spitfire and I’m loving it.
“What’s your name?” But, she ignores me and throws the front door open.
“Stay close. You’re not taking the situation seriously and?—”
Her words abruptly cut off and I look over her head to see what shut her up. A big man dressed in all black is approaching us from the opposite end of the hallway and he doesn’t look very friendly.
“Go!” She spins, shoving me hard, and I nearly stumble. “Back into the apartment!”
I hurry back inside and she’s right on my heels, slamming the door shut and engaging the flimsy lock.
“That doesn’t look very secure,” I mutter.
But, she’s already on the move, grabbing the chair I was handcuffed to and dragging it over. She shoves it beneath the door knob to reinforce it then looks around with wide eyes.
“Who is that out there?” I ask with a concerned frown. It’s like I can see the gears in her head turning, trying to come up with an escape plan. Maybe I should be more scared, but I’m not. This shit is exciting—like being in an action movie. I can’t lie; I’m having a blast.
That is until bullets start blasting through the front door.Oh, fuck.Suddenly, shit just got real fast and it’s not quite as amusing and fun as it was before some big dude with a gun was trying to blow the door down.
Butterfly grabs my arm, pulling me into the bedroom with her. She slams the door shut and runs over to the large dresser. “Help me!”
I race over and grab the edge, shoving hard, putting my shoulder into it, and the heavy bureau slides across the wooden floor. We use it to block the door. She rushes over to the window, pushing the curtains aside and unlatching it.
I’m not about to jump three stories, so I hope she has a solid plan. When I reach the window, which is conveniently stuck, I see a fire escape through the grimy glass.Thank Christ.Reaching down, I grab the chipped ledge and heave, doing my best to help her get the window open. After pushing hard, it finally slides up and not a second too soon.
Back in the living room, I can hear the front door crash open and the stomp of heavy boots cross over to the bedroom door. While the beast of a man tries to break this second door down, Butterfly motions for me to climb out the window.
“Hurry!” she says, and I move as fast as I can.
I’d like to think I leaped over the window sill like some kind of action star, preferably Chris Hemsworth or even Pratt, but we couldn’t get the window all the way up, and I more or less end up going face first and dragging my much larger body through the very narrow opening. I wind up falling out, quite unceremoniously, and face-planting on the metal landing.
Damn, they make it look so much easier in the movies.
My heroine is directly on my tail and she lands right on my back, using my ass to cushion her fall. Ask me if I mind? Nope. Not at all.
We both jump up and start hustling down the metal stairs. I can see straight through the grid-like pattern of each step and a wave of dizziness passes over me. Looking straight down at the ground, three stories below, briefly makes me wobble and I pause, grabbing the railing in a tight, stabilizing hold.
“Don’t look down,” she hisses, as though she knows exactly what I’m doing. “Keep moving!”
Pulling in a deep breath, I force one foot in front of the other, jogging down the steps right along with my fearless woman. When we reach the bottom, she heads straight for the garage. I assume we’re going to hop into her Jeep and high tail it out of here. Sounds like a good, solid plan to me, anyway.
When we reach the steel door, she punches in a four-digit code and it swings inward with a loud creak. Then we race across the garage and she unlocks the Jeep. I’m not sure where we’re going, but I don’t care. Anywhere is better than here with that beast chasing after us.
“Buckle up,” she orders and I don’t hesitate, grabbing the seatbelt and clicking it into place. I also grip the seat cushion with one hand and place my other on the dashboard. Something tells me this could be a wild ride out of here.
Butterfly/Kitten revs the engine and squeals out of the parking spot. The rubber tires squeak along the pavement and she hits the remote control on the visor. As the door begins to rumble up, the Beast steps into view, gun pointed right at us.Fuck.
“Get down!” she yells, swinging her pistol up. Her window is partially rolled down and she aims at our pursuer, firing off a couple of shots. He quickly returns fire and I’m glad I ducked down because the passenger side window explodes with a loud crack and glass falls inward, bouncing off my back and shoulders.