Page 10 of His to Possess

For a moment, I’m speechless. First off, who the hell would put a price on my head? Does that mean someone wants to assassinate me or what? My ass squirms uncomfortably against the hard wooden chair and I frown, thinking over the situation. I am a Rossi and my family is one of the most powerful in this city. If someone wants to take us down, I’m a pretty good target, I suppose. Especially if you’re wise enough to send a beautiful woman to grab me. Because, let’s face it, I’m not gonna put up much of a fight.

“Who put a price on my head?” I ask, searching her face for answers.

She shrugs a shoulder. “Maybe the man you swindled.”

What in God’s name is going on? “I haven’t swindled anyone.”

“Sure, you haven’t.” Her dismissive tone implies she doesn’t believe me.

“Listen, Codename Butterfly,” I say, “there’s clearly been a mixup here.”

She merely arches a dark brow.

“Whoever you think I am, I’m pretty sure is wrong.”

“I know exactly who you are, John Grady,” she states without hesitation.


Ha! I knew it!

“Yeah, that’s not me,” I tell her with a triumphant grin. “Sorry to tell you, but you captured the wrong man, kitten.”



The wrong man? Oh shit.

My heart drops into my stomach. That can’t be possible. I could never do something so stupid. My track record is flawless. Utterly impeccable. He has to be lying, trying to make me doubt myself and the situation. He’s just a rat looking for a way to escape before I hand him over.

“Nice try,” I say, my fingers still wrapped around the gun. “I saw the name on your gym bag.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. My name isn’t on my bag.”

“It says John Grady right on the tag, asshole, so quit lying to me,” I snap. How did I find this man attractive earlier? He’s nothing but a huge pain in my ass and I can’t wait to unload him.

“Again, not me,” he insists rather smugly.

“Why would I believe anything that comes out of your mouth?” I place a hand on my hip and tilt my head.

He narrows those deep, dark eyes at me then lifts his chin. “Check my driver’s license and credit cards. They’re in my wallet.”

“Which would be located where? In the gym bag that belongs to John Grady?” I can’t help but ask in a snarky tone.

He snorts out a laugh. “You’re really something else, you know that?”

“I could say the same thing about you.”

For a long moment we just stare at each other, neither of us backing down and, I swear, the air around us heats up.

Not good,I think. Not good at all. I have never been attracted to a target before and this is completely throwing me off of my game.

“My back pocket,” he finally says.

“What?” It takes me a second to snap out of the spell he’s casting over me.

“My wallet is in my back pocket.” He enunciates every word as though talking to a child.