The ferals are tracking us from the west and the north in two distinct packs.
After another mile, the faint scent mark we’re tracking deepens, and my wolf nips at Dex to hurry. He picks up the pace, but it’s not enough.
The first feral attacks less than a half mile later. He’s fast but goes down easily. Feral wolves are guided by instinct, but the moon madness makes them erratic and dangerous. They don’t always act as wolves should. Normally, Dex and I work together to lay bait and ambush them. We’re the ones hunting then. This time we’re on the run, and we’re going to have to face them head on.
Another two wolves take the fallen one’s place. My wolf strikes, ripping out one’s throat. The other wolf sinks histeeth into my right hind leg. The burn of the bite fuels my determination. I can’t let him get to Dex. Before he can do any more damage, my wolf turns and pins him to the ground, making the killing bite.
After that, it’s a shit show as more feral wolves rush in. Dex shoots as many as he can with the tranquilizers. That keeps them from overrunning us while my wolf fends off those who manage to get closer.
It doesn’t matter though. Every bite sends the feral's venom through my blood. Already, my wolf is growing weak. We have too far to run before we reach safety.
Two wolves jump on my back as another leaps for Dex. My wolf snarls and thrashes, fighting with all I have. Another three jump into the fray, and my left hind leg snaps.
A blast of power echoes through the forest, and my wolf whimpers at the influx of magic. My vision blurs, and my ears ring.
The ferals recover slowly from the healer’s spell, allowing Dex to pull ahead. My injuries make it impossible to keep up, and my wolf falls behind. I nudge my brother through our littermate bond, urging him to get her to the wards. He looks back at me over his shoulder, his face a mask of indecision.
My jaws snap, a wolf’s plea to protect her.
He’s torn, but my bond is firm.
She is what matters. Keep her safe.
With a nod, he takes off.
My wolf turns back to the newest wave of ferals with a satisfied snarl. At least they will make it.
Chapter 6
“No. Absolutely not,” I mumble.
The battered, half-dead wolf in my arms doesn’t respond.
The fucker brings this shit to my door and thinks he’s going to die a martyr on the lawn?
Not today, Briggs. Not today.
I’m patching his ass up, then he and his brother can find somewhere else to ride out their tragic love story with the sweet-smelling omega. I refuse to watch this play out.
Skirting around Dex’s mammoth size, I lead him into the kitchen. The omega is damn near in heat, billowing perfume so thick it makes my eyes water. I hate that she smells so warm and inviting. The homey scent sinks in like barbed hooks.
“Set her down over there.” I lift my chin toward the butcher block table. “He’s out, so you better start talking.”
Dex shakes his head, looking down at the omega. A low warning sound pulses from his throat.
Fucking great. The alpha fog has already set in. There will be no reasoning with Dex. “Fine. Don’t put her down.”
I place Briggs on the table. If he wasn’t in such bad shape, I’d consider kicking his ass. As it is, the self-sacrificing hero iscovered in feral bites, and his left hind leg is broken in two places.
Dex growls again when I stand before him. “Easy, killer. Let me take a look so I know what I’m working with.”
He sits at one of the small kitchen chairs, the omega in his lap. I move slowly, telegraphing that I’m going to look her over. If this beast bites me, I’m not above zapping his ass.
The blanket hides a tiny blond-haired omega. She’s gotta be at least twenty-five, though she looks malnourished. Despite her sweet and inviting scent, she’s covered in filth. Purple and yellow bruises line her body, but it’s her neck that draws my eye. It’s scabbed and swollen, and the skin is so badly marred that it will probably scar.