“Hey, buddy!”
“You’re really a teacher!” Baz is looking up at him with awe, and honestly, I feel the same sense of pride. He really made this happen and fast.
“Yeah, I sure am.”
“But not mine.” Baz hangs his head and shakes it sadly.
I place my hand on his shoulder, hoping to make him feel better. “He’ll be in the same building with you every day.”
Asher crouches in front of him. “Yup. Can’t get rid of me, kiddo. I’ll be watching you.” He makes a funny gesture with his fingers by his eyes and then points at Baz, who finds that hilarious.
“Well hello, Mr. Sterling.” I hear a sultry feminine voice from behind us, and Asher stands up to address the woman as I turn around.
“Ms. Bowen.” Ms. Bowen is Baz’s new teacher and is not only young, but absolutely beautiful. Blonde and tall with a bright, shiny smile on her face. She’s wearing a navy dress with a plaid sweater. “It’s nice to see you again.”
She looks like she could eat him up and licks her bottom lip, her eyes sliding over Asher. Jesus, I thought I was obvious. “It seems you’ve stolen one of my students.”
Baz looks up at her with a curious glance. He met her last week at orientation, but it’s clear he doesn’t trust her just yet.
Asher laughs, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Yeah, this one happens to be my nephew.”
“Oh . . .” Her eyes move to Baz and then up to Asher again. “I can definitely see the resemblance.”
We went over the whole “his father passed away in a tragic accident” thing at orientation, but I didn’t mention Asher was his uncle. I didn’t even know they knew each other yet.
Baz beams with pride at her statement, and she holds her hand out for him. “Are you ready for a great first day?”
He looks back at Asher and me. I nod. “It’s okay.” I lean down and open my arms for him, and thankfully, he lets me hug him tightly or I think I would cry. “Have a great day, sweetie. Uncle Asher will bring you home after school, okay?”
“Yay!” I laugh, trying to hold back tears. I can’t believe he’s so big already.
I stand up and face Ms. Bowen. “Thank you.”
“No problem. We’re going to have a great day.” She’s so cheery. “And I’ll send pictures throughout the day.”
I nod, happy that the school has a messaging system. “Great. Thank you.”
Ms. Bowen looks at Asher. Her eyes are still hungry, and she’s not at all trying to hide it. “And I’ll bring him by your classroom after school.”
I fight rolling my eyes. Great, my son gave her an in with Asher.
Asher smirks, eating it up. “Thanks. I appreciate it.”
She waves coyly over her shoulder as she walks out of his classroom with Baz in tow. I wave at him before I turn around to face Asher.
He doesn’t look too broody this morning, but I have a feeling every mother who drops off their kid today will leave with wet panties regardless.
“I hope you have a great first day.”
He strolls closer to me, his expensive cologne enveloping me. “Thanks.”
I don’t move. Seeing Baz looking so grown-up and my little tiff with Asher yesterday has me feeling angsty and annoyed.
“You okay?”
I fold my arms haughtily. “Of course. Why?”
His thumb sweeps under my eye, brushing away a tear. “You’re crying.”