He has a competitive streak in him. “I’m going to hide really good!”
I smile and ruffle his hair. “Okay. I’ll give you to the count of twenty. Ready?”
He nods, already heading out the door. I jump up and tug on a pair of sweats, but Viv doesn’t move from under the covers. I place a hand on the bed, leaning over and tugging the comforter down. “Get dressed, make the prince his breakfast, and I'll keep him distracted.”
She smiles weakly. “That was too close.”
I nod and leave a quick kiss against her lips because I can’t not kiss her. “I’ll remember to lock the door next time.”
She nods quickly as she gets up, pulling on her shirt and skirt from last night, and we walk to my door. I glance around for Baz and then go into her room, doing another quick sweep before signaling her room is clear. She walks into her room, but her eyes hold mine. “I know I'm not supposed to thank you for being a good uncle.”
I shake my head and hold her face in my hands, tilting her head up, biting her bottom lip.
“Nope, but you can thank me for the three orgasms.”
Her eyes roll, but she places a quick kiss on my lips anyway. “I think it was four.”
I grin and then release her, shouting into the hallway, “Baz! Where are you?”
I wink at her and leave her to get ready before walking down the hall toward the living room, not finding him until I go into his room and open the closet door. He looks disappointed, his little bottom lip poked out. “You found me.”
“It took forever!” I scoop him up. “We better hurry and get your little butt dressed.”
He giggles in my arms. “Butt.”
I laugh, unable to hide my admiration for this little guy. I get him dressed in his school uniform and brush his hair before taking him into the kitchen. He runs to Viv, who’s at the stove making French toast. “Mommy! Uncle Asher was right! You were making breakfast.”
Her eyes meet mine, and I know she feels guilty about our deception. “Are you hungry?”
He nods his head several times as he makes his way to the table for Viv to place a plate in front of him. I grab some coffee and am surprised when I see Lola stride in, all ready for work. “You’re here?”
She laughs at that, moving ahead of me to grab coffee. “Well, technically it’s my house.”
“Does that mean you and Hayden took a break from your little sleepovers?”
She shakes her head, taking a sip from her coffee mug and facing me as she leans back against the counter. “God, no. Why would we do that when are sleepovers are oh, so much fun?”
She wags her eyebrows suggestively, and I fake gag even though really, I couldn’t be happier for her. “So, he’s upstairs, then?”
She nods her head with a great big grin. “Yes.”
Viv sweeps her hand over Baz’s hair before walking past Lola and me. “I’m going to go get dressed.” She looks back at Baz. “Don’t leave without saying goodbye, okay?”
He gives her a thumbs up as he stuffs his face, and she looks to me, her eyes saying so many things, but she only offers a small subtle smile. “Thank you for getting him ready.” I give her a quick nod, and she turns to Lola. “Good morning. I’ll be ready for work soon.”
Lola nods her head appreciatively. “No hurry.”
Viv leaves, and I can’t stop myself from letting my gaze linger on her before I feel a sharp nudge in my ribs. I look over at my sister, who is eyeing me with fierce suspicion. Her voice is kept low and directed away from Baz. “What the hell are you doing?”
“What are you talking about?”
She looks over her shoulder at Baz, who is definitely not paying attention to us and then back to me. “Look, I'm not a creeper or anything, but last night I went out on the balcony and saw the shadowy figures of two lovers on the beach.”
I cringe. “Shit,” I hiss as quietly as I can. “How long did you watch?”
Her cheeks heat. “Not long at all. And obviously, I completely looked away when I saw it was Viv.” And me. She doesn’t add that part, and I'm grateful.
“That is fucking creepy.” I grab my own coffee and face her, ready for the long lecture I know she can’t help giving.