Page 64 of Restorations



Ican’t sleep.

Seeing her in that costume tonight and then seeing that motherfucker, Mr. Kincaid, hitting on her—fucking touching her—I’m not remotely tired.

I’m consumed by a need to be near her.

A need that pisses me the fuck off.

She told me she’s not okay just fucking. If I were a better man, I would just stay away.

But I’m not a better man.

I climb out of my bed, tugging a pair of black sweats over my bare ass and walking into the hall quietly. I’m sure Baz is still passed the fuck out. After the party, Viv, Sawyer, and I walked with Baz around the neighborhoods for hours, trick-or-treating.

It was fun. I also hate that it was fun. And I won’t admit how much I missed Sawyer. Not even in my thoughts.

I see a glow coming from the living room and follow it. I smile when I see the horror flick on the television and Viv huddled under a blanket on the couch. She’s awake with a bowl of popcorn on one side, wine in a cup next to her and the candy Baz collected tonight on the other side.

“You want company?”

She pops the red lollipop she was sucking on out of her mouth and looks up at me, wide-eyed. “Sure.”

I move the popcorn bowl to my lap and take a handful as I watch the movie with her. Both of us sit in silence as she sucks on that fucking lollipop, driving me crazy from the corner of my eye.

“Jason, huh?”

She shrugs her shoulders. “I already watched Halloween tonight.”

“Kind of fucked up, you’re watching a movie about a guy drowning in a lake.”

I see the realization dawning on her as her eyes widen and she turns to me, holding the sucker in her hand. “Oh my God. I never even thought about it.”

I laugh, and it’s a real laugh because she looks so fucking horrified. “I’m fucking with you.”

“Still . . .” She grits her teeth and looks back toward Baz’s room. “His father died that way.”

“Jason didn’t die, but those camp counselors that were supposed to be watching the kids, instead of fucking, sure did.”

She still looks disturbed, and I can’t help it. I place the popcorn bowl next to me and pull her to my lap, letting her thighs straddle me. I smile up at her, happy she’s only wearing an oversized t-shirt.

And I fucking love that it’s a Jason t-shirt. She really does love horror movies. The manufactured thrill.

“I’m sorry, Asher.”

A lump forms in my throat, hearing those words from her, knowing without a doubt she’s not talking about the stupid movie. I place my hands on the sides of her head and pull her lips down to me but don’t press mine against hers.

“Say it again.” My voice is hoarse, and I feel her shiver as she sits on my lap.

“I’m so sorry. For everything.”

My lips capture hers, kissing her softly as I hold onto her, my fingers threading into her hair as I cup the back of her head. Our mouths move as one, my tongue dipping inside to taste the cherry from her sucker. “Apple was always my favorite, but cherry’s not bad.”

I move away from her lips only to lift her shirt from her, freeing her breasts and cupping them with a hand, groaning at the feeling, never able to get enough of her. She dips her head back slowly, enjoying my touch before bringing the sucker to my lips. I open my mouth and allow the candy to slip between my lips as I swirl my tongue around it, my hands still on her tits, my thumbs and fingers pinching her nipples, making her groan and grind against my prominent erection.

She removes the lollipop from my mouth and then slowly drags it down my chin, and then my throat. She leaves a sticky trail down between my pecs and toward my belly button before she places it in a pile of wrappers already on the couch from earlier.