Page 54 of Restorations

A small smile plays on her pretty lips. “I think you only fanned the flames,” she leans into my ear, “Mr. Sterling.”

Mother. Fucker.

All I want is to throw her little ass back on the desk and punish the fuck out of her for making my dick so fucking hard, but I see Mrs. Bailey walk through the door, and suddenly I'm grateful for Viv stopping what we started.

I wonder if grabbing a book and putting it in front of my crotch is too obvious when I carefully sit down behind my desk instead to hide the predicament Viv left me in. I wave to the principal. “Mrs. Bailey, what brings you by?”

I give her my best grin, and she just shakes her head at me, the older woman not immune to my charm but not easily forgiving of my shit either. “Is this Sebastian’s mother?” She nods toward Viv.

Viv smoothes her hair with her hand, clearly freaked out by almost being caught, but she quickly recovers and reaches her hand out for her. “Yes, hi. I’m Sebastian’s mother. I am so sorry about what happened.”

Mrs. Bailey shakes her head affectionately. “These things happen, but we have to abide by the rules.”

“Absolutely. It won’t happen again.”

“Thank you for understanding and coming to pick him up.”

Mrs. Bailey’s eyes slide over to me as she scopes me out, suspicious, but she doesn’t call me on it. “Alright. We’ll see him tomorrow.”

Viv nods and supplies her brightest smile. “Great. Thank you.”

Mrs. Bailey leaves, and I stand up, still semi-hard, the adrenaline not worn off, but it’s clear Viv’s fire has been doused. “I’m going to get Baz and take him home.”

I nod. “See you guys later.”

And I let her leave because there’s nothing left to say.

Clearly, I'm not doing the best at steering clear of her.



Today was emotional to say the least. I feel like I'm spiraling out of control yet again, even though I promised myself I wouldn’t let that happen.

I’m still shocked Baz got into a fight at school and, instead of processing that, I acted out and nearly had sex with Asher in his classroom.


What on earth is the matter with me?

Baz wouldn’t tell me what happened all day. Nor would he tell Hayden, Lola, Linc, Penelope, or Ash at dinner. He didn’t want to talk about it.

So, as I tuck him in tonight, I try one last time. Pulling the covers up to his chin, I sweep my hand over his hair and look at his sweet face. “Baz, what happened today, sweetie? Why did you push that other kid?”

He puffs out his bottom lip and huffs, “He said I don’t have a daddy.”

“He what?” I stare at him shocked, my heart sinking.

He looks so upset, and I'm dying inside. “He said teachers were talking about my daddy being dead.” A tear slides downhis cheek as he becomes angry again. “And he kept singing this song: ‘Baz’s daddy’s dead’ over and over.”

I feel anger spread through my body, but I try to keep calm. Who knew kids their age could be so cruel? They’re practically babies. “I’m sorry, sweetie.” I brush through his hair affectionately with my fingers. “That was mean and certainly not something to tease you about.”

“He’s a jerk.”

I agree. “We still can’t put our hands on anyone, okay?”

He nods his head. “Okay, Mommy.”