Page 52 of Restorations

Baz wasn’t feeling so hot after being punched in the nose, so I let him lay down on the cot in the nurse’s office to go call Viv.

She didn’t answer, so I left her a voicemail. She’s probably at work.

After recess and a story, the kids have gone to music in a different room when Viv bursts through the door of my classroom, looking around frantically for Baz. “Asher?”

I stand from my desk. I should have known she was going to panic. “He’s fine.”

“You said he got into a fight? Is he okay?”

I nod my head, standing in front of her in her frantic state. “Viv. Breathe.”

She looks furiously at me, but she does take a deep breath. “Is he okay?”

“He’s fine. He’s in the nurse’s office, laying down.”

She takes another deep breath. “What happened?”

“I’m not sure. He got into a fight with another kid on the playground. Baz shoved him, and the kid socked him in the nose.”

Her jaw drops, and she’s clearly shocked. I was a little surprised myself. Baz is usually the lover not the fighter type. “He pushed another kid?”

I shrug. “He’s a boy. And a Sterling. It won’t be the last time.”

She looks even more annoyed now. “How can you be so calm?”

I smile. “He’s fine. Little bloody nose.”

She pales when her eyes meet my collar. “Is that his blood?”

I look down, seeing a little spec of blood on my shirt. It must have happened when I hugged him to me. I lift my eyes. “He’s fine.”

“You were there?” She barely manages the question. It’s merely a breath from between her lips.

Lips I crave.


I nod my head, still watching her mouth. “Yes.”

We’re standing too close, but neither of us move. “And he’s okay?”

She’s not speaking above a whisper, and I know my closeness is affecting her now that she knows Sebastian is safe. I nod my head again, my hand raising to her hips, resting there. “He’s fine.”

“Thank you for being there.” Her eyes lift and settle on mine. “I’m afraid of something bad happening to him.”

Her hair is down today, wavy and unruly as I push the hair behind her ear and let my hand rest on the side of her head, the other on her hip. “I think all parents worry about that.”

“Not all kids have lost a parent.”

I swallow hard, thinking about Colt and how he never even got the chance to meet his son. “Baz isn’t Colt.”

She nods her head slowly, but she didn’t know Colt well. All she hears all the time is how much Sebastian looks like his father. But truth be told, he’s wilder. “I know.” Her voice is still low even though we’re the only people around. Her full lips still hold me in an intoxicated trance as she pulls the bottom onewith her teeth. “I was afraid when I got your voicemail. Even though I was sure he was fine, the fear was real.”

“It’s normal.”

She nods as she lowers her eyes to the ground. “I’m glad he has you, Asher. I know you don’t believe me, but I’ll never take you away from him again.”

The pain from thinking about that time in my life is too great, and I step away, moving back toward my desk. “I won’t let that happen again.”