Page 41 of Restorations

Something I didn’t know. “He is?”

She nods, and Penelope grins, shaking her head. “Asher, a teacher.” Her smile widens. “I hope those rugrats give him hell.”

I laugh, and so does Lola, but she playfully shoves Penelope. “He’s going to be great.”

I agree but do it silently. “Do you know where?”

“Baz’s school.” Lola supplies the information. “Not Baz’s class, but he’s teaching kindergarten.”

I fight the happy smile wanting to form on my lips. He’ll be amazing with that age. “That’s great.”

“Yeah, funny enough Linc sold the principal there his new house. And Linc is pretty damn convincing.”

“No shit,” Penelope adds with a mischievous grin. Lola rolls her eyes.

“Are you ready for him to start school?” Lola takes the conversation away from Asher, and I watch Baz run through the house with his little friend as they pretend they’re superheroes.

“No.” She smiles and laughs when Baz jumps on my lap and then crawls over the couch, screaming and giggling loudly. I shrug. “Okay, maybe a little.”

Penelope stands. “I have to go. Linc should be home soon.”

“Whipped,” Lola teases.

Penelope wiggles her brows. “You know it. I just can’t get enough of your brother’s—” Lola raises a hand, stopping her.

“Please go.”

With a wave, she leaves, and I shake my head. “You know, you are sleeping with her brother. You could just give that right back to her.”

She smiles and shakes her head. We both know that’s not really Lola’s style. “Are you really okay?”

I nod, hoping she’ll believe me and we can move on. “Yes. Asher and I have been civil, and I think it’ll remain that way.”

“What about you and Sawyer?”

I haven't told her about what happened in the pool and don’t intend to. My cheeks still heat with shame when I think about that night, but it was a catalyst, thrusting me further into acting like an adult and not a petulant child.

I can’t play games anymore.

“Sawyer and I are friends, but we’ve cut out the physical.”

She nods, and I can’t read her to see if she’s relieved by that or not. “Nothing has changed. You can always talk to me.”

“I know.”

Just then Asher walks into the room with one kid under each arm, swinging them around the room as they giggle happily.

He’s laughing with them, and the sight is an absolute heartbreaking and heart mending vision at the same time.

Because he still makes me melt like putty when I see him with my son.



“So, you really did it?”

I roll my eyes as I lean back, enjoying my last day before I start my full-time job teaching at the private school Baz attends.