Fuck ’em both.
I go to the front door and tug it open. I’m greeted instantly with Sebastian’s shocked gaze, and then I’m attacked by his little arms. I kneel down just in time for him to wrap me in a bear hug. “Uncle Asher! You’re here!”
Man, I missed this kid. “I am!” I hug him tightly, not wanting to let him go even though I know I'm staying. “How are you?”
“Good! I stayed with Grandma last night.”
I give my mom, who’s standing behind him, a small smile and then pull Baz back slightly to look at him. I swear he’s grown in the last couple of months. “That’s great.”
He nods exuberantly. “She made chocolate chip cookies.”
I grin and stand up, ruffling his hair, my eyes drifting to my mother. “She makes good cookies.”
My mom wraps her arms around me, and I tense even though I don’t mean to. I know she tried to be a good mom, and maybe she was. But there are some things I still struggle to forgive her for. “Asher, how long are you staying, sweetie?”
I take a step back. “I moved here, Mom. Lola’s letting me stay here for a bit, but I'm not going anywhere.”
Baz’s eyes light up. “You live in California?”
The way he says California is fucking adorable, sounding out each syllable. I smile down at him. “Yup. I sure do. It cool if I move in with you for a bit? Guess I should have asked you first.”
He pretends to think it over, bringing his little finger to his chin.God, he’s fucking cute.“I think that will be okay.”
I laugh and mess his hair again with my hand, so glad to see him.
“You moved here?” My mom sounds shocked but pleasantly surprised. “That’s wonderful. Why didn’t you tell me?”
I shrug my shoulders, always going back into teenager mode when it comes to her. “I didn’t want anyone thinking they needed to help me move. I had it covered.”
Not that I had a lot of shit, but I do have boxes being shipped here that should arrive tomorrow. Mom does what she does best and puts on a brave smile. “That’s great, sweetheart.”
It kills me that I know she wants to be closer to me, but I can’t seem to let her in. I love her, but I’m stuck in this dark place I don’t really want to escape from. Everyone has just moved on. Mom remarried. Penelope and Linc are married. Lola is happy with Hayden, who I don’t actually hate. They’re all so damn happy, and it’s as if Colt never even existed.
Mom, Baz, and I move to the living room. Mom and I sit on the couch, and Baz runs around like a wild man. “I swear I made him a healthy, non-sugary breakfast.” Mom watches him and smiles.
I grin as he runs laps around the living room. “He’s just built to run.”
She has a reminiscent look on her face. “He’s so much like you.”
It shouldn’t irritate me. I’m his uncle, after all. It’s fine for people to say he acts like me, but it irks me. He’s not my kid. He’s Colt’s.
And hers.
Something she reminded me of when she ripped him away from me.
“Colt used to run a lot too.”
She smiles at that and sighs heavily. “He did, but more for a purpose. Sebastian . . . He can run and run for no reason at all.”
True. Both of his parents were planners. Never made a move without thinking it through. Baz jumps before he looks to where he might land with his eyes closed and a smile on his face.
I turn when I hear footsteps on the stairs and see Viv and Lola walking down to meet us. They greet Mom first and then Baz runs into Viv’s waiting arms. “Mommy!”
My mom laughs, looking over at Viv, who’s nearly knocked over by Sebastian. “He never wants to stay very long in the morning. He wanted to get right back to Mommy.”
Vivienne smooths his hair and then holds him tight. “I’m okay with that.”
Yeah, she used Sawyer for a couple of mediocre orgasms, and now she’s back to SuperMommy.