I push my hand against Sawyer’s chest when I feel him begin to push forward with yet another growl. I roll my eyes and look over my shoulder at him. Sawyer is so laid-back, it’s weird to see this side of him. “We both know that’s bullshit. He’s trying to get to you.”
“And it worked.”
I turn back to Asher when he taunts Sawyer, my gaze angry. “Is this your plan? Move in and torture me? Sawyer?”
“Does he live here now too?” He’s fucking with me.
“Why don’t you be a man and get your own damn place? Huh?” The tension coming from behind me is too much. I hate that their friendship is ruined. Sawyer tried to talk to him after our first date, but Asher wasn’t having it.
Now Sawyer is just as pissed-off.
I turn completely around to Sawyer. “Don’t. I don’t want an all-out brawl in Lola’s house. Please.”
Thankfully, Sawyer respects me enough to not push it any further, but he does wrap a possessive hand around my hip and pull my body into his for a kiss I’m sure is more about marking his territory in front of Asher than giving me a kiss goodbye.
I roll my eyes and shake my head when his lips leave mine, but he just smiles in a way that makes me smile back. It can’t be easy for him to see Asher here. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
I nod my head decisively. “Yes
He lets himself out, and I face Asher, my arms folded over my chest in a defensive pose, ready for what he’s about to throw at me.
I know I didn’t leave him the best way I could have. I left in a hurry and hurt him badly. He hasn’t really said much to me over the past year other than “Baz there?” So I’m nervous. “Were you lying about moving in?”
Please say yes. Surely, he was saying that for Sawyer’s benefit.
He leans in close. My senses are instantly flooded with memories of him, his full lips leaving me in a trance as he speaks, “I’m your new roommate. Deal with it.”
That’s all he says before brushing past me and walking down the hall. This cannot be happening.
I don’t waste any time and walk up the stairs to Lola’s room. The door is cracked open, and I don’t bother knocking. I push it open and am greeted with Hayden’s bare, tan ass as he leans over and gives Lola a kiss.
I shield my eyes and look away, giving the happy couple a little privacy.
Okay, I should have knocked. Although, Hayden does have a nice ass.
It’s not something I needed to see. I think Lola is wearing clothes though, so I don’t believe I interrupted anything too graphic.
“I’m sorry, but I need to talk to you.”
My heart is still thundering in my chest when I hear Lola’s nervous laugh and then Hayden’s deep voice. “I’m going to go make some coffee. Good luck.”
“Chicken,” Lola teases and the bed rustles before Hayden walks by me, now in a pair of black joggers.
I cautiously turn back toward Lola, who is dressed in a silk nightie. “Lola . . .”
“I’m sorry, Viv. So sorry.” She does seem remorseful, but I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or not. It means Asher did talk to her.
“He’s moving in?”
She climbs to the edge of the bed and grabs a robe off the floor, tugging it on and staying seated. “I don’t know.” She sounds defeated. “Viv, he needs us.”
I know he’s withdrawn from his family even more since I moved here, and things weren’t great before. And I know they’re worried. “Lola, he’s your brother. I can’t tell you not to let him move into your house. I just . . .”
She climbs off the bed and comes to stand before me. “No. This is your house too.”
It’s not. It’s hers, but she seems so damn set on this being my home too. Part of me worries she’s just too good to me. “I can’t stay here with him. He wants to punish me.”
“You should have seen him last night, Viv. He asked for help. Asher never asks for help.”