Now, that’s an interesting idea. You would think the two would hate each other. I mean, Hayden did punch Asher, but they seem to have a mutual respect for one another. “No thanks. I’d rather be . . ..” He looks down at Baz and scraps whatever colorful scenario he had in his head. “Just no, thanks.”
Hayden chuckles, rolling his sleeves up to his elbow, having removed his suit jacket. “So, what are you going to do?”
His large shoulders shrug, and he actually seems slightly . . . embarrassed? That’s strange for him. “I was thinking about maybe becoming a teacher.”
We all still, and he rolls his eyes, shrinking back in his seat which is so unlike him.
“A teacher?” Lola asks with genuine surprise.
“Yeah.” He sounds slightly defensive. “I know it won’t bring in the typical Sterling paycheck, but I don’t know. I like kids.”
I smile to myself, wanting to tell him I think it’s an amazing idea. He is so incredibly good with Sebastian and was from day one. He’s taught him plenty, and any kid would be lucky to have him as a teacher, but I don’t think it’s my place.
“That’s wonderful, Asher.” Thank God for Lola, the forever cheerleader. “You would be a fantastic teacher.” Asher lifts his gaze to her, looking like a hopeful child trapped in a gorgeous grown man’s body. “What age are you thinking?”
He shrugs and smiles at Baz. “Kindergarten.”
“Oh yeah! You can be my teacher!”
I laugh as Asher tickles him. “You already have a teacher.”
Baz smacks his little hand on his forehead. “Oh yeah,” he giggles, “I forgot.”
I laugh at that, and Hayden nods his own approval. Neither Lola nor he care about money, despite the fact that they roll in it.
I want to encourage him so badly, but I just push my pasta around on my plate and keep my head down.
We’re not friends. We’re not anything anymore.
Ican’t believe I told them I want to be a teacher. It went over far better than I expected though. A slow smile spreads over my face, thinking about what my father would say, knowing part of his legacy dreams of a career making well below six figures a year. More like half that.
I’m lying on my back on my bed, one hand tucked under my head with a half-smoked joint in the other. I cracked the window in my room. Lola would kill me if she knew I was smoking in here.
I hear a shrill shriek coming from the room next to me and sit up, listening and hear it again. I can’t believe that sound actually makes my cock stir in my sweats. Fucking Viv.
I climb off my bed, putting the joint out with spit on my fingers and tucking it safely away. I walk out of my room quietly, knowing Baz is asleep down the hall and it’s late. Viv’s room is dark except for a light glow from her television.
I hear the screams again, accompanied by the psycho killer soundtrack playing loudly and push the door open just enough to see Viv alone on her bed, watching with her eyes wide. My mind goes back to the theater room in her house, her handsdown her pants, begging me to watch her get off, pleading with me to do the same.
My throat goes dry, and my cock twitches again, thinking about one of the most erotic experiences of my entire life. And of course, she was my costar.
“You still watch scary movies?”
She barely lifts her eyes away from the screen, she must have noticed me. I slip inside her room, quietly clicking the door closed behind me as I stand just inside her large room. She doesn’t tell me to get out, just pulls her covers further up to her chin as she watches the movie and answers, “Of course I do. I think I'll always love them. The ultimate high.”
Always looking for a thrill. I look at the television and recognize Jason as he quietly stalks campers. “Yeah well, thanks to you I’m pretty sure scary movies will always make my dick hard.”
She looks over at me now, her eyes wide.Shit, I said that out loud. The pot is pretty damn good in California.
“Are you high?” Her nose scrunches slightly as she smells the pungent scent from the weed I smoked in my room only moments ago.
I drag my hand over my face. “Maybe.”
She nods, not seeming to judge or care as her gaze shifts back to the movie. “We all have our vices.”