Page 15 of Restorations

“What the hell made you think you could with her if I couldn’t?”

“It just happened, Asher. I didn’t expect to like Baz so damn much. I hate kids.” That’s definitely true. “But I did. And I just got used to hanging out with you all. And I thought Viv was this stuck-up prude . . .”

She’s definitely not, but I remember all his little comments to that effect.

“When you were avoiding her as much as possible, I was still there, hanging out with Baz and her, and it just fucking happened. She’s beautiful and smart. But also strong and determined. A great fucking mom. I wanted to want her, to see if maybe she was the one.” His shoulders sag. “But it turns out I’m just a broken motherfucker like you.”

I don’t have time to say anything back to him before Baz runs back into the living room and looks over at Sawyer while he stands next to me. “Aw, you aren’t changed yet.”

I can feel Viv standing behind us, but I don’t turn to look at her. I’m not sure if I'm ready to see her in a bikini yet.

“Sorry, little guy. I’ll go change.”

He passes by me, leaving me irritated as fuck. I turn to look at Vivienne, my mouth going instantly dry as my eyes take in all her tan, smooth skin. She’s not in a fucking bikini, but somehow she’s managed to make a one piece even hotter.

It’s a halter top that dips all the way down to her navel with the sides cut out and pushing her tits up, showing a hint of them and making my mouth water as my gaze continues to sweep over her.

My mouth is no longer dry, and I try not to drool on Lola’s living room floor.

She shifts from foot to foot, looking slightly self-conscious. “It’s not exactly a mom suit, but it’s a little more mom-appropriate, I think.”

I don’t.

It only makes me want to do dirty things to this particular mom.

“You look pretty, Mommy.” Baz looks up at her with admiration, and she sweeps a hand over his cheek.

“Thank you, sweetie.”

Sawyer walks back from Viv’s bedroom where I guess he keeps a pair of swim trunks, wearing them now with a towel draped over his shoulder. “This should be fun.”

I really wish my high hadn’t worn off yet.



“You sure you don’t want to stay for dinner?”

Sawyer’s eyes dive down, dragging slowly over my swimsuit and then dart to Asher and Baz who are still in the pool. “I wish I could, but I have to go get some work done.”

“Linc is a real hardass.”

He laughs and wraps an arm around my waist, his mouth moving to my ear. “Be careful, Viv.”

My eyes lift to look at his handsome face, seeing the concern there, but it doesn’t seem like jealousy.

“I’m not afraid of him.”

His lips leave a quick peck on mine. “He’s afraid of you though, and he gets mean when he’s scared.”

Don’t I know it. “I’ll be fine.”

He nods. “I’ll text ya later.”

He leaves, and I breathe in and out deeply a few times and then turn around toward the pool, seeing Baz floating on his back with Asher’s hands underneath him. I hate that Asher’s good looks still make me stupid. I stare far too long at his defined arms and broad shoulders.

“I’m going to go start dinner. Are you guys okay out here?”