Page 12 of Restorations

I take a long drag from the joint pinched between my pointer finger and my thumb and slowly let the smoke roll out of my mouth. “Yeah. Another win for California. This shit’s legal here.” I offer it to him, but he passes.

“You know a kid lives here.”

“That kid is on a playdate with a dipshit and his mother.”

His hand caresses his jaw, and he nods. “I’m assuming that’s Sawyer.”

I nod and raise an eyebrow. “Why? Is there someotherdipshit hanging with Viv and Baz?”

I’m trying to seem cool and collected. Like I couldn’t give a fuck, but I doubt he’s buying it. “Not that I know of. Viv isn’t going to have that kid around a stranger.”

I scoff, taking another hit, waiting for my body to relax. “Right. Because she knew Sawyer so goddamn well.”

His irritation is palpable as he leans forward. “You did. And she trusted you, dipshit. And I believe they’d been hanging out for what? A year with you before they tried dating.”

“Don’t you have to work?” I groan and stretch my free arm up into the air. “You’re killing my high.”

“Nah, real estate. I pretty much set my own schedule.” He grins, clearly proud of himself, and I have to fight the pride I feel for my big brother kicking ass out on his own. “Plus, my little bitch boy handles a lot of it.”

I smirk. “Sawyer?”

He nods his head, laughing. “Yeah. He’s really not bad though.” I groan and lay my head back with my eyes closed.

“Ah, fuck it.” I hear and then the joint disappears from between my fingers, and I hear him inhale deeply before letting the smoke out.

I chuckle, thinking about what Colt would think of this. He never even drank. Okay, so he drank two fucking times that I know of. The night Viv got knocked up with Baz and the night he died.

A cold chill falls over my body as Linc settles back into his chair.

Fuck, Colt would be pissed about this shit.

I turn to look at him, momentarily wondering if I murmured that shit out loud, but I didn’t.

He turns to look at me, a sad smile on his face. “You aren’t the only one who thinks about him all the time, man.” I watch him swallow tightly and take another hit, letting the smoke slowly flow from his lips and up into the air. “All of the time.”

The ache inside me only worsens. “You don’t show it.”

“Because I married Penelope? And because I'm happy most of the fucking time? You honestly think he would want us all miserable?”

“I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t want you fucking his girl daily.”

He doesn’t flinch. “She’s not his.” He tucks an arm under his head, totally relaxed. “There was a time I felt so fucking guilty, and maybe I still do, but Ash,” his eyes meet mine, “she was always mine. Always.”

I feel bile rise in my throat and take the joint back from him, taking a quick puff and looking over at him. He’s different now. Mature. Settled.

Hell, he’s happy.

I shouldn’t hate it. I’m not even sure I do anymore.

“Why the fuck did you hire Sawyer?”

He shrugs. “I knew him. I know he has a good background for this shit, and he was fairly impressive in his interview.”

No one charms Linc. That shit is fucking crazy. “Not just to fuck with me?”

He laughs. “Nope. No one needs to fuck with you, Ash. You’re doing a pretty damn good job at doing that by yourself.”

I look up at the blue sky. “Right.”