“I remember what you said about the kaory and the snakes.” She wrinkled her nose. “So why that inlet?”

“I prefer not to be noticed in my comings and goings, especially by anyone from the raider camp. The inlet is secluded. I have never known anyone else to go there. I enter the water unseen and swim in the deep before returning the same way.”

“That sounds so peaceful.” She rested her head on my tentacle. “I can see why you like it here. As long as some gigantic sea creature doesn’t swallow you whole, it seems perfect.”

I chuckled softly. “The largest creatures of the deep do not come too near the coast. As for the rest, I smell like a predator to most sea life, so they tend to keep their distance.”

Despite the heat from the fire, she shivered. I drew her blankets around her more snugly.

“The waters of the deep are purple, and the sea floor is covered with beautiful plants and marine life,” I continued. “My favorite way to visit the sea is to drift with the deep current along the shore and then swim back to the inlet. Drifting is very restful, and the return is good exercise.”

My Calla frowned. “Letting the current take you wherever it wants doesn’t sound so restful, but I suppose you’re safe enough.”

After all she had suffered, naturally the thought of giving up control to an unpredictable outside force would unnerve her.

“It took many months for me to enjoy drifting,” I admitted. “And even more until it became peaceful and meditative. I had to discover new depths within myself before I could find peace in surrendering myself to the currents.”

“I can’t imagine being able to do that.” She shook her head. “Was that what you were doing the night I crashed? Drifting?”

“Yes.” I drew her closer, in case memories of that night upset her. “I had just reached the farthest point I could go without getting too close to the raider camp and started to turn around when your fighter hit the water nearby.”

“I’m sorry I almost landed on you.” She smiled up at me, though the expression was fleeting. “I was trying to land in the water and not hit the lights I saw from above as I fell. I guess that was their camp.”

“Yes, probably.”

“Soulless bastards.” She scowled. “The lot of them.”

How I adored her ferocity. I kissed her gently. For all herfierceness, her lips were so sweet and perfectly soft, and she returned my kiss.

Every little intimate touch sizzled on my skin and stirred longing in my hearts and tentacles. I carefully rationed my kisses and tried to keep my hands and tentacles on her blankets rather than her bare skin, other than the tentacle that habitually coiled around her ankle.

Despite my determination to not rush into physical intimacy, I yearned for her more with every passing day, and at night I dreamed of her body on mine. Just touching my lips to hers caused blood to rush to my cock.

I struggled to rein in my arousal before she noticed. I treasured this tenderness between us and did not want to jeopardize the connection we had built. Still, my desire burned like the fires of a forge.

“I am very grateful you almost landed on me, my Calla,” I said. “I would have given anything to have made that night less terrible for you.”

“We’ve made the best of it, though, haven’t we?” This time her smile did not immediately fade. “Speaking of which, would you be willing to bathe me? It’s raining too hard for you to do anything outside, and I worked up a good sweat exercising earlier. I’d like to feel clean and soak in hot water for a while.”

If bathing was among her most favorite things about my home, I would not say no.

“I will fill the tub,” I said, and started to rise.

“Thank you. Please throw in some of those pretty orange leaves that make the water smell so good.” She caught my hand. “Will you bathe with me?”

All my longing for the ocean crested in a sudden wave of desire to do what I had not dared to do since Calla’s first night in my home: cradle her in the water. I wanted that joy and pleasure so much that my hearts ached and my tentacles quivered. My fear of taking a wrong step warred with my need for her.

The way she held my gaze let me know she knew what being in the water with her meant to me. This was a stepshewanted to take, and I yearned to take it with her. As long as I followed her lead and listened to my instincts, we could find something even more beautiful together. And I would forever be grateful for the privilege.

Calla squeezed my hand. “Vos, it’s all right if you don’t want to. I understand.” She smiled ruefully. “I still need a lifeguard, though.”

Once again she had offered me a choice, and once again I must follow my hearts.

“I would be happy to join you,” I said, caressing her cheek very gently as she looked at me with those beautiful green eyes. “I will fill the tub.”

She kissed my fingertips. “I’m not going anywhere, but don’t take too long getting ready. I’m stinky and achy. I want to be in the water.”

She did notstink, but I did not argue.