“I cannot go back to how we were before,” he said, his voice rough. “I will not live under the same roof as if we were strangers. I will be yours. I will kill anything that poses a danger to you.”

“I will do the same.” I touched his lips with my fingertips. “Once I’m back on my feet. Until then, you’ll have to rely on Poe.”

He smiled at that—a sweet smile that had the same effect on my desire as his toothy one because it showed the goodness of his heart.

“Kiss me,” I said roughly. “Wrap me up in your beautiful tentacles and kiss me,please.”

He did as I asked without hesitation, his tentacles coiling around me everywhere: my arms, my torso, my legs, tasting and drinking me in. I had never felt so safe, so desired, soneeded.

With another low rumble, he bent his head and pressed his lips to mine.



My Calla’slips tasted like the rest of her, but even better—more concentrated, more enchanting, a symphony of flavors that ignited every cell in my body.

Then, to my absolute horror, she threw her head back, screamed, and collapsed on my chest, shuddering violently.

Fear and fury swept over me, turning my body cold and my vision dark around the edges as if my own life were under threat. Had my worst fears come true, and her internal injuries proven even less healed than we had thought? I cooed, but for the first time, it did not seem to help.

“Calla!” I shouted, holding her in my arms as my tentacles waved frantically, sending water cascading over the side of the tub. “Calla!What have I done?”

“Vos…” Her nails dug into my arms as she struggled to respond. Her chest heaved with deep, ragged breaths.

I had longed to hear her cry out my name, but not like this. “Tell me what is wrong,” I urged, tipping her chin up so I could see her eyes, which appeared unfocused. “DidI injure you?”

“No,” she gasped. “Just…I need…a minute.”

I forced myself to be calmer and assess her more clinically. I did not smell blood, and she was not holding her stomach like she always did when she hurt there.

What Ididsmell was her arousal.

As it had before we had kissed, it filled my nose and thrummed in my blood, calling me to her. It had taken on a sharper, stronger tang now, one that made my cock as hard as a meteorite despite my all-consuming worry that she had been harmed.

“You didn’t…hurt me,” she said breathlessly. She ran her fingers through my hair again, holding on tightly in a way that hurt and felt very good. “Not at all.”

“Please explain.” I demanded, my body tense and full of anger, confusion, and fear. “I do not understand.”

“Your tentacles…when you kissed me, something happened.” Calla took a deep, shaky breath and rested her head against my chest. “They made me come, from all over my body, all at once.”

Now I was even more bewildered. “I cannot…my tentacles have no such power.”

She looked up at me through her lashes, a faint smile on her lips. “On the contrary, I assure you theydo.”

The scent of her arousalhadchanged. Her reaction very well could have been not pain at all, but the sort of powerful orgasm she had described.

“I am…sorry.” I did not know what to say. I had bedded many lovers over many years, including human women, and never given any orgasms with just the touches of my lips and tentacles. This must be another effect of finding my true mate.

“Oh, please don’teverapologize for giving me an orgasm.” She let out a sigh of contentment that swept away the last of my fear and anger and nestled herself against my chest. “Believe me, you have nothing to be sorry for. I was surprised, but it was good. Really…” She sighed again. “Really good.”

“What about your stomach and chest?” I asked as my tentacles quivered. “You thrashed around quite a lot.”

“I’m all right, really.” She chuckled. “I honestly don’t remember what I did. It’s all a blur.”

First I had made a sound that was only for her, and now I could give her orgasms simply with a kiss and my tentacles. It was as if my body was made to care for her and make her happy.

I looked at Calla in my arms with the same amount of wonder as the first time I had held her. She gave me that wry smile I adored.