Page 89 of Hellfire

I raised the sigil of power higher into the air to show it I still held command over it. “I command the Brotherhood of Serpents to surrender their power over the dark forces forever.”

The serpent tattoo on my wrist sizzled, the marking fading, leaving nothing but clean skin.

Gable ran a finger over his freed wrist. “Bloody hell, Princess, I think it’s time I called you Queen.”

My ego purred at the new title, but it didn’t seem fitting with what I just did.

“Queen of nothing now,” I said, sorrow burning in my chest that I might have to do away with the nickname of Dark Princess now that my heritage no longer existed.

Cole slid up behind me, his arms coming around my waist. “You’re a queen in here.” He set his hand over my heart.

Talon got on his knees to bow. “My queen.”

I snorted at waved at him to stand. “Can you check on Blaze, please? I have a request for him as well.”

“Whatever my queen asks of me.” Talon stood and bowed his head like a true knight, leaving to retrieve my final lover.

The elemental python let out another impatient rumble.

“I’m getting to it, I promise.” It snorted at my response.

I wasn’t sure if what I was about to ask was even possible, but what the heck, right? This was the ultimate power, and I didn’t see why it couldn’t do the impossible.

“I command that every creature the Brotherhood hurt is healed,” I commanded. “And none of them remember any of this ever happened.”

Gantii of every kind lifted from the bloodied soil, resurrected and reanimated, whirled into the air, sucked back through the vast hole in the sky, where they disappeared, returned to their own worlds.

Hopefully, this removed Gable and Mary’s mental scars, as well as the other escaped serpents, or those forced into servitude.

Next, I turned my focus on the tears in the Veil that the djinn ripped open to journey to Earth and help us rescue Blaze. “Restore the Veil and seal every rupture on every world, including my own.”

The sixth elemental obeyed, and the terrible gash in the barrier between Earth and other dimensions contracted upon itself, leaving the sky unblemished and safe from the things on the other side.

“Perfect, thank you,” I told it, earning a restless rumble.

Talon guided a dazed and now pale-eyed Blaze over to us.

I curled a hand behind his neck, drawing him down to me, and placing a desperate and yearning kiss on his bloodied lips.

“You did it, sweetness,” he murmured into my lips.

I sure did!

His hands circled around my back, pulling me close. I closed my eyes and stars exploded behind my eyelids. Into that kiss, I injected all my love, relief, and joy. Coronas blossomed in my mind’s eye, expanding into galaxies of brilliant colors, and stars twinkling in the universe. In Blaze’s chest, I saw a new star winking into existence, growing brighter with every caress of our lips.

“Return the power that was stolen from my love,” I ordered the elemental, “only this time, make it permanent, without the need to replenish in the djinn world.”

The snake roared, spitting bolts of lightning that birthed Blaze’s powers once more. He twisted his arms, both glowing with the djinn tattoos. His eyelids slid closed, multi-colored light pulsing beneath his lids.

“I’m even more powerful than before,” he whispered, eyelids reeling open to reveal his turquoise eyes. “Thank you, sweetness.”

“You’re welcome.” I didn’t dare touch him, wary of his newfound magick settling in.

I stepped up to Talon. “And what do you wish for, Frog Prince? Say it and I’ll wipe away the curse.”

Talon swallowed thickly. “I want to stay a gargoyle, Princess. I kinda dig the wings, horns, and impervious strength.”

I was pleased he’d come to terms with his gargoyle side and no longer resented it.