Page 37 of Hellfire

Yes, come to us,the darkness chimed in.You belong with us.

Adrenaline crashed in my veins, and my pulse jacked up to distribute it. Shadowy fingers reached up from Luna’s shoulders. What little fruit I ate threatened to make an unflattering appearance.

No. They’d found me.

“Brother? Cole’s voice strained like a guitar string about to snap.

“I can’t.” I stumbled to a stop, swaying, desperate to breathe, my vision spotting.

I never felt this weak or hopeless before. The power of the djinn gave me a confidence no man ever possessed. Arrogance that I was invincible and impervious.

Luna’s palms hit my chest, steadying me. “Breathe. Calm. It’s safe. There’s nothing here to hurt you.”

I jabbed my fingers at the murk climbing off her shoulders. “It’s right there.”

“There’s nothing there,” she reassured, her palm coming to my face, the shock of warmth on the iciness of my face startling me backward. “Your mind’s playing tricks on you.”

Come to us, the darkness pressed.

Warm hands braced the sides of my face. “Listen to my voice.”

The sound of an angel banishing my fears.

“It’s me. Luna. Your bonded.”

I couldn’t see her amid the dark haze of my vision.

“Just breathe. Nothing else. Can you do that for me?”

“Yessss…” I stammered.

I sucked in air and dislodged the block in my throat.

“Very good.” Her palm stroked my face. “Come back to me.”

Her hands eased on my face as she moved away from me, and I chased her, needing her touch and comfort.

“That’s it. One more step.” The stabs of anxiety receded with every word and soft caress.

I felt a vacuum grip me and pull me to another location. A pop sounded as the Veil light spat us out at our location.

I blinked at the bright light, the darkness shrieking and retreating deeper.

“We’re here,” Luna cooed, her warm forehead coming to my bent one. “You’re safe. You did so well to get this far. You’re so brave.”

I leaned into her touch, every soothing word, taking in more air, putting a hand on my chest, my heart thudding violently. It felt off to have her reassure me when that felt like my job. That thought fell away as I steadied my breathing and pulse, sinking into her embrace.

“It’ll get easier each time to leave the Academy.” She held onto the back of my neck and ran her fingers through my hair.

The darkness hissed its defeat.

Palms thudded on my shoulders.

“Great work, brother.” Talon.

“Wanna skip now?” Cole.

I barked out a nervous laugh and smacked the back of their heads, feeling a little more like the old me.