Talon cleared the products from my counter to allow her to lay the map down. “Thank you, warrior.” She smiled up at him unsurely.
He pressed a fist to his chest. “You honor me by saving my beloved.”
“She’s special to me too,” Mary whispered, and I stroked her head again.
I repeated the same spell on the state map, and it trailed southeast to the Illawarra region where the Brotherhood called home.
“She’s at Camus’ castle.” Coldness formed in my gut and spread out in a fan. The last place I wanted to return because it held too many awful memories.
Mary clapped her hands together and lifted them to her mouth.
My muscles popped and eased back into place. “Thank you, magick of the light. Begone whence you came, into the sunlight.”
“You’re brilliant!” Talon came behind the counter, grabbed my neck and kissed my head, doing the same to Mary, who squeaked. He jogged out back to grab his friends.
I squeezed the back of my sister’s neck. “You did well, Little Bug. We’ll make a witch out of you one day, if that’s the path you chose to pursue.”
“Are you going to rescue Luna?” Mary tapped her pressed hands to her chin over and over.
“I don’t want to leave you.” If I left Mary unguarded, Camus’ specters or Sanctuary might come for her.
“You love her and must go.” She reached out to wrap her thin fingers around my forearm. “The shop is protected, I’ll be safe.”
Words I repeated to ease her mind.
“What if I take you to Castor’s?” She felt safe with him, and I was comforted with her being surrounded by four avatars. “Would you like that?”
She told me he taught her ancient history, encouraging her inner history nerd, and she enjoyed his company.
“Yes. I’ll go.” She nodded. “Please bring her back safely.”
Her answer soothed the roiling in my stomach. “Good.”
The others reappeared in the shop, looking ready to go to war to get their princess back.
“You coming with us?” Talon cracked his knuckles.
“I assume we’re working outside the bounds of the Academy again?” I queried, establishing the rules of combat.
Talon patted the counter’s edge. “You guessed correctly.”
I leaned on the frame. “Do you really want to risk this? How about I go after her? That way you don’t lose your jobs.”
Talon huffed. “That’s brave of you, but we don’t leave a brother to fight alone, and we sure as shit don’t leave him behind.”
I grinned, finally feeling like I belonged and found my true calling. Fighting to protect the innocent against malevolent forces with a tight-knit family of brothers and my sexy little dark princess.
“In that case,” I said, feeling energized to take on old Camus once more, “Give me thirty to take Mary someplace safe. Meet you back here?”
Talon moved to the door, unlocking it. “We’ll grab weapons and rendezvous back here in thirty.”
“Roger that.” I saw them out and locked up my shop.
I went out back, making my sister pack a bag because I didn’t know how long I’d be gone. I grabbed some spell items of my own. This was ending today. I’d put Camus in the grave for what he did to me, my family, and my princess, and we’d never have a sleepless night ever a-fucking-gain.
I dropped my sister off at the Jackals. Castor didn’t need much convincing for a second round of babysitting when I dropped word about saving the world from the ultimate powerhe mentioned. His mate, Aaliyah, took Mary in, showing her around the club, and I knew she was in perfect hands.
Right on time, my three brothers returned, weapon belts stocked with grenades, daggers, and prototype guns Cole developed. From there, we portalled to the forest on the outskirts of the Dark Lord’s castle.