Page 76 of Hellfire

I rubbed at my throbbing head, trying to piece together the last five minutes, but everything was barren and black. “I don’t know.”

“Maybe this is too much for you.” Gable rubbed my shoulder. “I should take you back to the hotel for a rest.”

I didn’t say a thing. Didn’t know what happened.

He directed us out of the portable bathroom stalls, back to our group, lifting a bottle of water from the ground and handing it to me. “Drink this.”

I swallowed the tepid liquid down, and it coated my parched throat.

“I’m gonna take Hotshot back to the hotel,” Gable informed the group in between songs.

“Why?” Talon got to the quizzing.

Luna’s palms hit my biceps and squeezed. “Are you okay?”

“I’ve got a headache, but I’ll be okay,” I answered them both. “Watch the show, sweetness.”

I didn’t know if I’d last that long. The ache in my head turned into a thick, dazed fog. Sleep might clear it away. I didn’t want to leave. My bonded was enjoying herself, and the instinctual need in my chest said to stay with her.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Gable countered.

“Skip out if you’re not feeling well.” Cole patted me on the shoulder.

The noise merged into one note, dull and flat.

“How about we give him five minutes and if he’s not better, then we’re leave?” Luna suggested.

Good idea. The daze would probably clear, and I could enjoy the rest of the festival. I put away the rest of the water and held onto the bottle, tapping it on my thigh as Brandon Flowers jumped into the song,Spaceman.

The more the song progressed, I had an urgent, sharp sensation in my gut that I’d done something horrible and unforgiving that would change the course of everything.


Blaze returning from wherever he went unnerved me. He rocked on his feet like he too much to drink. His glazed eyes were almost white and unfocused with confusion. It took me out of the moment, and I clutched his hand, afraid he’d collapse and need medical attention.

To his credit, he stuck it out. Gable and I didn’t let him out of our sight for the rest ofThe Killer’sset. Blaze recovered quickly and perked up for the rest of the concert, singing along, clapping, smiling, and cuddling me. We agreed to monitor the situation over the course of the day and alter our decisions where necessary.

Lunch came and went, consisting of messy hamburgers, fries, and soft drinks. Blaze chowed down his vegetarian version with a mushroom burger patty like a man starved. By all accounts, he seemed to recover, his eyes resuming their pale ice, his skin growing warmer. Gable and I were still jumpy, ready to drag him out of the festival at the slightest sign of decline.

Our concern seemed for nothing when he lasted the entire day up until the festival wrapped at 6PM, and the crowds evacuated the grounds. Sweaty and hot, we headed to the hotel for a shower and a change. My men spoiled me and renteda rooftop suite at the Park Hyatt, overlooking the Sydney Harbour. The views were to die for, and I captured many on my camera.

Freshened up after some steamy shower action, we suited up in our evening wear, me in my cocktail dress—pink, of course. My men donned their suits like second skins, Cole in charcoal, Talon in his classic navy, Gable rocking a tartan print, and Blaze in dapper black. Admiring my sexy harem, I gave them all a whistle and eyebrow waggle.

Talon held out his elbow for me. “Dinner awaits, Princess.”

I felt like the luckiest girl in the world as I banded arms with him and Blaze, and Cole and Gable made for the door, all gentlemen for now, until we retired for the evening, and they became feral animals out to claim their dirty little princess. My body flushed with anticipation of later in the evening. My men had booked the hotel until Monday morning so we didn’t have to hurry back and could take our time and enjoy ourselves tonight when the sun, heat from the crowds, singing all afternoon, and being wary of Blaze drained us all.

The restaurant was some upmarket, swanky place on the water, with crystal and porcelain. My evening dress fit right in. I felt so adored as my men let me order the most expensive meal—lobster with luxury champagne—that hit my system and dialed down my anxiety. I didn’t drink as much as I wanted to because I needed to stay alert for Blaze.

After dinner, my men took me to a bar with a dance floor, where we spent an hour rocking away, grinding on each other, making me swelter in arousal and from the heat of their chiseled bodies. When Talon shoved me into a quiet corner, he fingered me and brought me to release, telling me things were about to get hotter.

“We’re out of here, Princess,” he growled in my ear. “It’s time for you to dance on my cock.”

Yes, please!

We hurried back to our hotel on foot since it was only a block away. Cole ended up carrying me from the elevator into our suite, tossing me on the bed, and crouching beside it to unhook the buckle on my shoe.

“Remember,” he said with a kiss to my ankle. “You’re our dirty little princess and you’re going to do whatever we want tonight.”