“No.” I groaned.
I have no time for games.The sound of snakes hissed louder and closer as if they writhed on my shoulders.
I wanted to scream at the dark throbbing on my skin. Better yet, get a hammer and smash my forearm until I obliterated the snake brand on me, ridding me ofhisvoice and connection to tap into me.
The markings on my arm burned darker and colder. The Dark Lord assumed charge of my body, trapping me behind hisdark barrier. I slammed against it, and it rattled in my head. My legs pumped with an icy fire as I marched away from the concert to the bathrooms.
Gable jogged to catch up to me. “You okay, Hotshot?”
“Bathroom calls,” Camus forced me to reply.
“I’ll come with you,” Gable insisted on sticking close.
I shoved my way to the head of the queue to the protest of some drunk dick and locked myself in a cubicle. Camus prompted me to split the Veil and transport back to the Academy.
Get me my granddaughter’s mind scroll,he commanded, and I obeyed, helpless to assume control.
Fuck. He saw and heard everything I did. All this time, he’d been biding his time, observing, waiting until the right moment to pounce.
I made my way to the magical trove, where the Guild kept important parchments, books and objects, reserved for Gildrons only. The winding stone halls were predominantly empty since the Guildlings left for the weekend.
I passed Astra on my way to the magical trove, clutching a stack of books to her chest the way she did when on her way back from a study session in the library.
“Hey, Blaze,” she greeted with a friendly smile.
Astra. Help. Get Venellan!I screamed to no avail.
On second thought,Camus started.Get my dear Luna’s friend to assist you. We love plausible deniability.His cruel laugh thumped in my mind.
I retreated after her and seized her by the arm.
“Hey! Let go,” she said.
Camus explained why I needed her help, and she agreed without question to help her best friend.
Stupid fool.Camus’ laugh made me shrink.
I gained us both access to the restricted section by evoking the spell to release the one protecting the trove. I waited outside while Camus’ unsuspecting victim hunted inside for his prize and delivered it on a platter to me.
“Get out of here,” I ordered her.
She glared at me and went to argue.
Camus wasn’t having it and barked,“Leave now. Get out of my sight!”
“Last time I help you, grouchy.” She stalked away.
Frost cracked over my heart as my darkness dragged me into its depths.
I’m so fucking sorry,Astra,I whispered, but she couldn’t hear me where I was locked away.Forgive me, Luna.
Camus’ laugh mocked me as his grip on me faded away, taking the memory of what I did with him, leaving me with darkness, pain, and disorientation. I came to, gasping, huddled in the corner of the bathroom stall. The snake branding on my forearm burned ice cold, and I rubbed the bite of it. Piss tinkled in bowls, urinals flushed, guys sniffed and grunted. What the hell was I doing here? I didn’t remember how or why I came to be here or what I was doing. My memory was a numb block of ice.
Gable banged on my cubicle door, and I jolted upright. “You all right in there, Hotshot?”
I disengaged the lock and opened the door, hoping he might have some answers. His confused face mirrored my own.
“You were in there a long time.” Gable curled an arm over me and dragged me out. “Did you black out?”