Page 74 of Hellfire

Gable pulled me aside before we got going, and said, “I was just as jumpy when I escaped the big B.” Our code word for the Brotherhood when out in public. “It’s not a weakness.” The guy was observant, abnormally so. Read a person like one of his magick grimoires.

Our shared bond of trauma at the hands of the Brotherhood was one more thing we had in common on a growing list of commonalities beyond Luna. We both dabbled with playing guitar, enjoyed breaking the rules, and were inducted into the world of magick young, only on opposing sides.

“I appreciate you checking in on me, brother.” I squeezed his shoulder, and he reciprocated my smile.

Luna patted both our shoulders and beamed, pleased at Gable looking out for me, and me for giving him a second chance.

We grabbed an itinerary for the bands appearing on stage and moved deeper into the crowd to position ourselves on the hill overlooking the festivities. Lights, speakers, and decorations adorned the stage.

“The Killers are playing?” Luna’s hands covered her mouth at finding out her favorite band played at the festival. “This is the best surprise! Thank you!” She threw herself at us one by one and received a chorus of “you’re welcomes” or “we thought you’d love it.”

A dull ache started in my head, my ears ringing with static, eclipsing the crowd’s murmur. The tempo and intensity picked up as the grounds filled with more music fans. The skin on my forearm burned as if someone flicked ash on me. Shadows began to buzz and vibrate on stage and in the crowd.

Come to me, little snake,a demonic voice rose from the darkness of my subconscious, where the Jackals’ enforcer buried it during his cleanse.

No. No. No.The voices weren’t real. They were just figments of my imagination. Representations of my fear, according to the psychologist.

Then the voice came. Louder, determined, smug, and scorning.That is no way to address your new master, little snake.

I fisted my shirt. “I can’t breathe.”

Gable rested a light palm on my shoulder. “Hey, look at me, Hotshot.”

I couldn’t meet his gaze. What if mine were filled with snake slits, and they dragged me out of here and carted me back home? I wasn’t ruining my bonded’s second trip away from the Academy.

“I’ve got something that might help calm your nervous system down.” Gable turned his body toward mine.

My nervous system wasn’t the problem. I was going crazy. Or fucking possessed.

Gable pointed his finger in front of my face, and I blinked. “Track this everywhere it moves.”

I did as he said, following his finger, right, then left, up and to the right, down and on we went in a box shape seven times. Deviating from the pattern, he moved his fingers in random patterns, circles, six-pointed stars, and triangles. Anxiety released its death grip on my chest and allowed me to breathe as I focused on the motion and Luna’s soft strokes of my stomach.

Of all the people in the world, I never expected Gable to come to my rescue. Never expected him to show me an ounce of kindness after the way I ruthlessly rejected every offer to partner up and deal with Brotherhood threats.

“How does that feel?” Gable dropped his finger.

I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and scanned my surroundings. Faces within the crowd no longer oscillated like specters and the shadows on stage were formed by the awnings.

“Better,” I replied.

“Any time your anxiety creeps up on you, just tap me on the shoulder, brother.” I trusted Gable was as good as his word.

Luna gave him a tight squeeze of thanks.

Talon and Cole sipped at their beers and clapped their new brother.

The crowd erupted with cheers as the members of the band,The Killers, strode out onto the stage, waving to the fans. Music kicked up the energy, and the crowd surged to the tune ofMr. Brightside.

My bonded looked like she had a blast, waving her hands in the air, cheering, singing along, bopping her head, smiling at us all so lovingly, I didn't miss my sacred flame one bit.

Talon stood behind her, sliding his hand down her dress, kneading her breast, and she closed her eyes and leaned into him, enjoying the rhythm. Gable moved aside to let Cole sandwich her on the other side, sliding his hand up her dress, fingering her throughSam’s Town. She came as the finale crashed and slumped against their bodies.

The five of us rocked to the music, taking turns holding our princess, standing behind her, rubbing her shoulders, and pleasuring her. At one point, Talon lifted her up onto his shoulders, giving her better view of the crowd and her favorite band performing.

The strangling sensation in my skull returned. Claws scratched at my brain. The pits of hell burned inside me.

I am weakening, little snake,his voice came again.Come to me, I need your help.