Page 67 of Hellfire

“How is your sister?” Dash folded his massive arms over his chest.

“Getting better every day,” I replied. “Thanks for asking.”

Packs were a close-knit community, one I wish I grew up in.

Dash’s nose lifted and inhaled my princess’ scent. “I don’t recognize your scent, Luna. What shifter are you?”

The gantii refused to use the Guild’s term for them. They might contain alien DNA, but they were part human, living on Earth, unlike their ancestor counterparts, and preferred human terms.

I rubbed her knee to encourage her to relax. We didn’t need the shifter asking too many questions, and we sure as hell didn’t need him coming across her wrists.

Words like Brotherhood and Academy would have us tossed out of here immediately with no return, so I seized the chance and answered for her in case she said the wrong thing. “Naga like me, except she’s royalty, and you’ll address her as Princess.” I said the last part to be a smartass and throw him off the scent.

Luna’s hand came down over mine, her skin cooler to the touch. “Nice to meet you, Dash. Your home is beautiful.”

“Nice to meet you, Princess.” Each word dripped with sarcasm.

An urge shot up my spine to correct him, tell him about her blood, but the shifters despised the Brotherhood as much as me when they were hunted as commodities, kept as pets, their blood and body parts used in spells.

“Check the bag.” I gestured for Dash to get on with it. I wanted to get out of here before he asked any more questions.

Our usual ritual. He inspected the contents, checking to make sure I didn’t take more than I sold or that I didn't take what wasn’t on offer. So far, we never had a problem.

“You’re good.” Dash clapped me on the back, and I let out the breath I held, thankful to still have my head.

“Thanks, wolfy,” I said. “Until next time. Don’t miss my sexy mug.”

“I’ll try not to. But I can’t stop dreaming of you.” Dash laughed, pressing a hand to his heart, retreating to his bike, throwing a thick leg over it, starting it and giving us a salute as he rode off.

That went well. Date with my girl. Check. Magical ingredients gathered. Check. No wounds. Check. Luna and me alive and well. Check.

I glanced over my shoulder. “Helmet on, Princess. I’m taking you home to make you dinner and make love to you. Now get your hands on my dick and show me how much you love me.”


Fuck, my dick never had a workout like that before. Three times my princess brought me to release, stroking my cock, hanging out for the world to see as we rode along the highway. Each time, he came back for more. I had to pull off the road onto a private driveway to return the favor, bending her over the seat and taking her before riding her back to my place. I never left my princess unsatisfied. I didn’t care if anyone saw what she did to me, but I sure as hell cared if some dirty old pervert might get off over what was mine.

Her cheeks still glowed from what we did as she removed her helmet, scrunching her squashed curls with her fingers, injecting a little bounce.

She put aside the helmet to cuddle me against the bike and brush my flat hair. “Thanks for taking me out today. It’s good to get away. I’ve lived here for five months and barely seen the region.”

“I do this once a month to restock.” I sifted through her hair, glossy silk sliding along my fingers. “You’re welcome to come. I like the company, especially if I get a happy ending.”

She unzipped my jacket and grabbed the lapels, jerking me down to her. “Ahh. So that’s why you wanted me to come.” Hermouth crashed on mine, and we made up for the lack of tongue and lips on the ride.

“No one gives a hand job like you,” I murmured in between tongue flicks.

She whacked me for that response. “Good to know I have use.”

I slipped my hand under her jacket and shirt and scratched her back. “I prefer to think of it as back scratching.”

She laughed and leaned her head on my shoulder. “For the record, I like your company too.” She bumped her hip into my leg. “Will your friend Dash approve if you take me back?”

“I’ll have to let him down gently about your associations.” A conversation I didn’t look forward to.

Dash knew of my history, and despite his reservations, we built a rapport that I hoped to continue into the future. I just hoped he was willing to overlook Luna’s connections when hers went higher up the ladder than mine.

She rubbed at her left wrist tattoo. “I wish I didn’t have these.”