My teacher was every bit the beast when he took his turn, crouching between my legs, fingers digging into my hips and ass to make me shatter across his face while Cole and Gable claimed my mouth and breasts. Blaze took me just as roughly, my head banging into the trunk. Gable took off his mask and folded it behind my skull to take the impact.
Cole’s eyes were melted ice as he undid Gable’s pants, freeing his straining cock, pumping it, falling to his knees to take Rock god’s length into his mouth. Cole kneaded Gable’s balls with one hand and clamped his hand around Gable’s shaft, making my Rock god groan, his head fall back, and his hand lock on the back of Cole’s head.
“More,” I whimpered, loving it when they took care of each other as well as me, the visuals heightening the power of my orgasm.
“Our Princess loves to watch.” Talon’s breath burned my throat as he raised my wrists above my head and locked them there in one hand.
“Yes, very much,” I groaned out, wriggling against him, desperate to slide my fingers into Blaze’s hair.
Cole squeezed handprints into Gable’s ass, and I groaned, getting wetter, hotter, and more turned on. Months back, Coletold me he was cool with sexual encounters with men, having experimented with them inside the juvenile detention center that was his home for eleven months.
My Frog Prince hardened again, his cock brushing my waist, and he palmed his shaft as Blaze drilled my pussy.
Cole slurped on Gable’s cock, the two of them just as rough as my other men, Gable fucking Cole’s mouth.
I tried to split my view on them and Blaze, but my teacher pinched my legs, and growled, “Look at me.”
I did as I was told until Talon brought himself to release and came on my breasts, rubbing the cum over my chest. “You’re going to be covered in this on our weekend away. Our dirty, little, Dark Princess.”
I came at his filthy words and sagged in Blaze’s grip, and he held my hips upright as he pulled out, his cum leaking on my leg and the ground.
“We’ve got eight more minutes,” he panted, checking his watch.
Cole finished Gable off, my Rock god stuttering into Cole’s mouth. Cole swallowed down Gable’s release, clapped his ass, and came to me.
“Eight minutes to pleasure our Princess.” Cole took up third spot, slamming into me, skipping treating my pussy to his tongue. His touch was gentler, his cock greedy and hurried.
Mindless, I lost track of who touched me where, who growled or crooned at me, whose cock crashed me over the finish line, or whose hand prevented me from screaming the forest down. I became one with the pleasure electrifying the nerves between my legs. One with my men, their mouths, tongues, palms, fingers, and cocks.
I came back to reality with Gable bracing his chest against mine, catching his breath, whispering sweet nothings in my ear.“Good girl, Princess.” He kissed my cheek. “Let’s get you cleaned up and looking decent.”
I must have looked a mess as they wiped their cum off me with tissues they carried in their suit pockets. Hair everywhere from being banged against the tree. Cheeks flushed pink. Mouth swollen from all the kissing. Skin on my neck red and purple from all the bites.
“I’m looking forward to Saturday,” Cole teased with a mysterious grin.
So was I. A dull part of my mind ached to know what they planned. It iced over as a final aftershock crashed through me.
The alarm signaling the finish of the exercise went off.
Gable muscled the others out of the way. “I better say my goodbyes, Princess.” He captured my lips for a final searing kiss. “See you this Friday for our date.”
The Academy gave my class the day off because two of our teachers were attending a Guild conference, and I arranged for a date with Gable, since we spent the least time together.
“Absolutely.” I was looking forward to it. I might even try to sneak in some questions about our mysterious weekend away. “Bye.”
I waved as he retreated with Talon, who obviously smuggled him into the Academy’s grounds.
“You go first so it doesn’t look suspicious,” Blaze instructed me.
“See you tonight.” Cole leaned down and brushed his lips over mine before settling his mask back on and jogging away into the forest to sneak past any eyewitnesses.
Astra did a triple take when I returned to the courtyard, her gaze panning me up and down, stopping on the bites on my neck. Shit. I had to hide those.
“I don’t need to ask what happened to you!” she teased, her voice low for once as she bumped her hip into mine in a kindof congratulatory manner. “Do you know how jealous I am right now?”
“I’m the luckiest princess in the world,” I murmured, smiling, grabbing my coat and throwing it over myself to hide the evidence.
Blaze silenced me as he arrived in the space, removing his mask and setting it on the table, his cheeks flushed from the sex and exercise.