Page 53 of Hellfire

Gable was more than growing on me. I was beginning to like him. Respect him. Rely on him. We’d come a long way from where we used to be and had one woman to thank for settling our differences and showing we could work on the same side.

When we finished the dishes, Gable turned to us and asked, “The news is finished. Want to watch a movie, or do you have to get back to the Academy?”

I checked my watch. Restrictions were removed for the last two months, so we were free to stay out until lights out. “We have to get back by 10PM.”

Gable brushed Luna’s hair from her neck. “Will they send out a rescue squad if you’re not back by midnight?” He asked it in his standard flippant and smirk combo.

“They might.” Students had abused Academy rules plenty of times, bar hopping and partying, getting reprimands for late returns.

We had an in with Talon and might be able to get around the rules.

“Midnight?” Luna poked his stomach. “How many movies do you have planned to watch?”

Gable circled her waist and pressed his body to hers. “I thought you could both stay the night.”

My cock twitched, giving his approval. I was certainly up for that if we had a repeat of his winter party bedroom fun.

Luna glanced between us, brows drawn. “You don’t want to get back?”

Earlier, yes. Visiting Gable and getting answers changed my plans. Revelations from the biker redirected my distress to figure out how to prevent Camus from harnessing this sixth element. Cooking and dining with the three of them gave me a sense of peace I hadn’t had in almost a month.

“Not yet.” I moved to her, stroking the side of her neck and tickled her bright smile. “I’m enjoying myself, and so are you. Let’s make it an even better night. I don’t want to cut it short.”

She hooked her fingers over my arm and squeezed. “I’m fine with that if you are, and if it’s okay with the Academy.”

Rules. Another confinement. I used to follow them with strict adherence, and it did nothing to allay my peers’ antagonism. Kymbal couldn’t do squat to me since Talon’s investigation put him under the microscope.

I removed my phone from my pocket, scrolling through my contacts. “I’ll let Talon know we’re staying the night.”

I left Gable and Luna alone and made the call, getting permission from Talon, and he recorded us as absent on the list.

When I finished, Luna wandered over to me, clasping my hands and staring up into my eyes. “I’m really impressed with the effort you went to settle old grudges with Gable and start anew.”

I caressed her soft cheek, needing to be near her when she eased the darkness inside. “You made me see the error of my ways, sweetness.”

She twisted her face and smiled into her shoulder, and I loved the cute expression. “I’ll take twenty percent of the credit.”

I let out a long laugh that widened her smile. I hadn’t found much amusement in the last four weeks.

“Want to watch a movie with us, Little Bug?” Gable asked when we ventured over to his sofa, patting the spot next to him.

“No, thank you, brother.” Mary vacated her chair, gesturing for us to take it. “I’m retiring for the evening.”

Her reply made me glad that my bonded didn’t remember her time in the Brotherhood. I couldn’t begin to imagine all the lies or skewed truths she and others like her were fed.

“You sure?” Luna lightly touched her arm, accustoming Gable’s sister to contact. “You’re welcome to join us, Mary.”

“I’m full and tired.” Mary gave a shy smile.

“Okay. Good night then.” Luna rubbed her arm up and down and let go.

Mary left the three of us alone, going to the kitchen to prepare a warm tea before bed, throwing it back and setting the cup in the basin, leaving for the bedroom.

My bonded and I removed our shoes and reclined on the three-seater, Luna between my legs, leaning on my chest. Gable came over to join us, sitting at the end, lifting her legs onto hislap, massaging her feet. We ate popcorn and watched two dumb comedies that made my bonded laugh, the sound sweet and satisfying.

I missed the warmth in my chest from my sacred flame that would have flickered and swayed with her delight. I hadn’t given up hope of retrieving it, but it didn’t ache as much to be without it.

By the end of the movie, Luna yawned and slumped in my arms, and Gable got up to grab blankets for us to crash on the sofa.