Page 47 of Hellfire

Mom shook off her coat and hung it over her seat. “A rum andCoke, please. Double.” If I got free from a prison, I’d be living it up too.

“Coming right up.” The server left to fill the order.

“How did you two meet?” Mom asked, and I tensed, sensing the hard question coming. “How long have you been dating?”

I was glad we weren’t on a timer like her call from the prison.

My girl and I glanced at each other. This past week, we practiced our response to avoid the Brotherhood topic and not unnecessarily worry my mother with stories about my expulsion and Luna’s heritage. That could come later. Better to ease her into the deep end, especially when she confessed her history with the organization.

“We met at the Guild. Luna’s a student at the Academy, and I work in the technology department at Bathurst,” I started our rehearsed statement. “We’ve been dating for four months.”

“I’m glad you’ve got someone.” Mom played with the dark bracelet on her wrist. “You take care of my boy for me. Don’t break his heart.”

Luna smiled and squeezed my hand under the table. “I won’t.”

“What’s the bracelet for?” The tech nerd in me burned with curiosity.

Mom tugged her sleeve to conceal it. “A tracker to make sure I return.”

My mother was tracked like she was some sort of animal.

I went to mutter something when the server delivered Mom’s drink, and she removed the straw and threw back half of it.

“Tell me what I’ve missed,” she said, pushing aside her glass.

Most of our time together flew by in a haze of stories, catching up on our past. I skipped most of the crap about the foster families, drugs, living on the street, and my juvenile detention. My mom looked pretty wracked with guilt, and I didn’t want to add to it. We stayed until the staff were packing up the restaurant.

Mom climbed from her seat and pulled her coat on over her toned figure. “I better get to my motel. I’m leaving Sunday. Do you have time tomorrow for another visit?”

Fuck. One day together to make up for sixteen years felt like a pittance.

“I’ll set aside the day.” I got out of my seat, pushing mine and Luna’s chairs to the table, then sliding into my coat.

We left together, standing outside in the brisk wind, Mom rubbing her hands, me holding Luna.

“Listen, baby.” My mom’s expression turned serious. “The factions that put me away are still active. I’ve lost track of them being in the Guardians and have limited access to records. They got to me, and they can still get to you. I want you to stay safe, okay?”

What were the odds that those crooks were connected to the traitor in the Academy? Urgency pumped through my veins to nail the asshole who assisted Nelle and go after whoever put my mom behind bars.

“Do you need me to look into them?” I offered, staying quiet on my investigation with Talon to protect Luna with plausible deniability. We might even call on the Jackal biker for help to stay low and not tip off our enemies.

“No, baby.” Mom waved her hands back and forth. “Stay out of it. I don’t want them to get you to again. I lost you once, and I won’t put your safety in jeopardy again. Let me take care of them.”

My instincts urged me to tell her everything about Luna, her history, and the war brewing with the Guild. Eventually, it won out, and I reached over and took her hand. “Mom, I’m already in deep. I want to help you. I don’t want you to end up like Dad if you’re dealing with traitors.”

I glanced across at Luna, seeking her permission to set the record straight, and she nodded, rolling back her sleeve and revealing her wrist tattoos.

“Mom, this is Luna Prince, Princess of the Brotherhood,” I let it all free.

Mom recoiled, her mouth parting, head shaking, eyes never leaving Luna’s face. “I don’t understand.”

“Mom, I know this looks bad, but it’s not what you think.” I launched into an explanation of how we came to meet and work together, finishing with, “The Guild has given her sanctuary to use her in the war with Camus. If you can give me any information you have, my friends and I can look into it. Maybe get you out? Please, let me help you.”

I held out my hand to her, hoping she’d take it again.

My mother considered this for a long moment, rubbing her jaw. “All right, Cole. I’ll tell you what I know.”

Author note:some of this plot continues in Astra’s series,Her Guardians, where Serena joins her team in book 5.