Page 46 of Hellfire

All the emotions of the past two decades crashed in a violent wave. Grief over my parents’ death warping with loneliness, confusion, feeling unloved and forgotten by a world that didn’t care. And more recently, the torment of discovering my mother was alive and wondering why they left me behind. The devastation[CD1] set my waterworks free. Fuck. I told myself I wasn’t going to do this. At least not in public.

She started to sob, thick, heavy, bitter tears, and it was game on. Arms of steel crushed me with the determination to never to let me go, and hell, neither would I. “We were tasked with investigating a rogue mafia faction within the Guild suspected of dealing with the Brotherhood.”

Luna’s throat clicked loudly. Now wasn’t the right time to tell my mom about my girlfriend’s identity. We planned to tell her at some stage, but not until we got past the awkwardness of our reunion.

Mom sniffed and leaned back, brushing wet hair from my eyes. “We uncovered a nest of traitors and arrested and imprisoned two. The rest scattered like roaches. When we got close to capturing the person we thought they answered to, we were apprehended, thrown into the Guardians, and told the Guild would take care of you.”

Fuck. The Guild was behind all our turmoil, splitting my family apart, throwing me into the foster system, and removing my loving support system. The rejection and loss that accompanied me for so long began to crumble into forgiveness, joy, and peace, and my heart felt lighter than it ever had.

“They told me you both died and threw me into foster care.” My fingers gouged into her coat, resolved to make every person who kept us apart pay.

She braced my face with one palm and brushed my cheek with the other, drawing my attention to the thick, black bracelet on her wrist. Some sort of Guardian technology, by the look of it. “I’m so sorry, baby. We thought our superiors would take care of you.”

Searing pain shot through my chest like a bullet, doing as much damage as possible. What little trust I had for the organization I worked for was obliterated.

Luna’s palm circled my lower back in support.

“Why didn’t you get in contact?” I asked my mother.

Research into the Guardians made me aware that prisoners were allowed a weekend of leave every month and weekly communication privileges.

She swiped at a tear. “Your father and I were housed in maximum security for ten years with no contact with the outside world.”

Whoever charged her to uncover the traitors left my parents to rot in a cell.

I stabbed a hand through my hair to stop me from throwing a chair into a wall. “Fuck, Mom, didn’t your superior advocate for you?”

I had to know or lose all faith in the organization I worked for.

“I’ve got someone who’s on my side now,” was all she gave me, telling me that was the end of that line of questions.

I swiped at the corners of my mouth, pissed at what the Guild did. I forced my anger aside, focusing on the positives. That Mom had someone looking out for her as I had with Luna, Talon, Blaze, and now Gable. Glad that someone cared for herenough to help her seek justice and her freedom. In a place like a Guardians’ prison, you needed someone to have your back.

She clasped my hand and squeezed. “We’re just sorry you got caught up in it. I’ve never forgiven myself for that.”

I brought her back in for a hug, clasping her shoulders tightly. “It’s okay, Mom. I forgive you.”

She sucked in a ragged breath. “You don’t know what that means to me.”

Yes, I did.

I blamed myself for so long. Convinced myself I wasn’t worthy of love, a family, and achievement in my chosen career. Until Luna showed me it wasn’t true, and that I had everything to live for.

“It’s okay, Mom.” I crushed her to me. “You’re here now.”

We held each other for the longest time, my mother stroking my face until she pulled away and swiped at her tears. “I’m sorry. Where are my manners? You brought your girlfriend. Isn’t she beautiful?”

“This is Luna.” I curled my arm around my girl.

Mom shook off her coat and hung it over her seat. “A rum andCoke, please. Double.” If I had a pass from a prison, I’d be living it up too.

“Hi!” Luna squeaked from my mom’s bone-crushing hold.

“Are you hungry, Mom?” I went to her seat and held it out for her to free Luna to breathe and move on from the rough topics.

We all took our places, Luna and me side by side, Mom opposite us.

The server came over to our table. “Can I get you something to drink?”