“Touch yourself, Princess, because my hands are busy.” I showed her why, my free hand coming to rest on her ass to guide her up and down my cock. I could have used my naga clit sucker on her, but I wanted to watch her do this for me.
Her finger speared between our bodies, landing on her clit, her wrist sliding urgently against my stomach. With a soft groan, she arched her back, letting me get a deeper angle, and giving me prime view of my cock driving into her, and her finger treating her nub. A gorgeous fucking perspective my clit sucker would deprive me of had I used it.
“That’s it, Princess.” I arced up into her pussy, squeezing her neck, her body going lax as she allowed me to control her pleasure. “Let me give you something new.”
Our mouths slid together, and she moaned so long and hard that it vibrated through my body, and I practically came from the sweet symphony of the sound. I was delirious from our entwined ecstasy, two escaped serpents, two snakes entwined in mating. She took handfuls of my hair, urging me on, whimpering, taking the strokes of my cock, squeezing my shoulder tightly. Her thighs tightened around me to lock me in her snug pussy. Every feeling she’d been struggling with, the doubt, the disappointment, and frustration faded.
By her urging, my hand squeezed to the point of pain if it wasn’t for my toxin relaxing her. She gasped for air, but that didn’t stop her motion atop me. Soon, the two of us became the song in our bodies, and I pumped harder into her as she thrust herself against me, increasing the tempo between us. When the crescendo hit, my hand snapped off her throat, and landed on her shoulder, pulling her deeper onto my cock. I felt her pleasure crash, carrying me with her, and she whined into my neck to soften the sound.
Our descent was a sweet bliss of cuddling, kisses, the heat between us dulling but not dying. I pressed my forehead to theside of her head, breathing in her apple and caramel scent mixed with her release. This woman purged me of the dark forces that had haunted me all my life and left me reborn.
Ididn’t like this one bit. Darkness. Shadow. The perfect opportunity for specters to take me back there. Back to the man who could complete the job Nelle failed. Mark me as his. Enslave me.
You belong to him,the darkness whispered in a cold menace that dripped down my spine.
The darkness knew it. I knew it. My brothers and bonded didn’t get it no matter how hard I tried to convince them.
Wrought iron gates rolled open, and the dread in my gut squeezed to the point of aching. Talon stepped over the threshold of the Academy into the driveway outside of the walls. Luna waited beside me, her fingers sealed around mine, Cole flanking my other side, waiting for me to move.
Headstone’s claws tightened on my shoulder, and not even his steady presence reassured me.
Sweat turned my hands clammy, and my armpits weren’t much better. Racehorses galloped in my veins, and the breathing technique taught to me by the djinn failed to slow my heartbeat. Muscles in my neck were rock-hard as I scanned the quarter-mile driveway winding out from the Academy’s grounds. Fear crashed in my chest, anticipating a djinn emerging from aportal the minute I stepped out of the wards, capturing me and dragging me to the Brotherhood’s castle.
“Are you okay?” Luna squeezed my hand, worry shading her eyes, and I blinked at the wisps curling off her shoulders. “Do you need a minute?”
Darkness. Death. Malevolent forces out to capture me.
I crushed my eyes shut, fighting the surging anxiety clawing at my chest. “I don’t think I can do this.”
“Yes, you can.” Luna’s free hand sandwiched mine, her warmth at odds with the cold taking hold of my body, and I cracked my eyes open.
Her gargoyle hopped onto my shoulder, nuzzling me with his beak, cawing at me. I twitched my head away, the magick in his stone stinging my skin. My bonded called him back to his resting place on her shoulder.
Talon checked the watch he wore over his granite wrist. “We have to get moving. Gable’s expecting us.”
Move. Impossible. Lead filled my legs, and I couldn’t lift them if I tried. My fault for refusing a mind-relaxant tea before our departure time. Anxiety was officially behind the wheel. The ache in my chest said I was one step away from a panic attack, and I hadn’t stepped a foot outside of the Academy yet.
I stabbed my fingers through my hair, trying to pull air into my lungs.
Talon’s hand thumped on my shoulder, and I jolted. “You’re safe with us. Nothing will happen. We’re not far from the Academy and can portal back at any second.”
“Safe?” I let out a bitter laugh. “Your men failed to protect me when I was weak, and they took me!”
Nelle was about to have her way with me when my brothers and bonded attacked Camus’ castle. I couldn’t escape the feeling of her disgusting, cold fingers on my shirtless chest.
I shook his arm from my shoulder, easing the burn of his stone palm. Headstone, my gargoyle, rocked on my other arm, digging in his claws to stay upright.
Skepticism. Dread. Anxiety. All new emotions to me that fed the darkness wrapping around my lungs and squeezing, growing stronger from my fear, tension, and Talon’s mounting impatience. This damn snake branding rewired me, and I didn’t like the man I met in the mirror.
Talon’s jaw hardened. “I’ve had scouts out all day and night. The gargoyles haven’t reported a thing. I double-checked myself because there won’t be another fuck-up on my watch.”
My bonded swiveled to face me and took one step backward, crossing the line of the gate. The land was spelled for a mile in every direction, protecting us, but that didn’t stop the Brotherhood from opening a portal outside of our gate to distract Talon when Camus invaded the library. I didn’t put anything past the serpent’s cunning.
“Just breathe and take it one step at a time.” She beckoned me with her hand.” We’re here with you. Every step of the way.”
I shook my head. Not happening. I tugged at her to return, but I had no hope when she was determined to get me to Gable’s. My pulse skyrocketed.