Page 32 of Hellfire

“I taught Mary how to make the nachos.” Gable filled her with confidence at every turn, bringing her into the conversation, making her feel included, and my heart swelled so big, it might take off like a balloon. “Well, it was a crash course since she slept through most of it.”

“He taught me his secret ingredient.” Mary’s eyes gleamed with purity.

“Oh, really?” I picked up another corn chip, using the fork to scoop on more toppings. “He wouldn’t give me his secret. You must be special.”

Gable shrugged at me and winked at his sister. “It’s a family tradition.”

She giggled, looked at him, smiled and tucked her head, seemingly honored that he only shared it with her. It was beautiful to watch Mary slowly come out of her shell and express herself when she seemed frightened and closed off.

More fun and fluffy conversation sailed us through the rest of the meal. Gable offered me another drink, but I covered my hand over my glass, stopping at one bourbon andCoke, Talon’s orders to keep my wits about me when outside of the Academy’s walls.

Mary did the best she could but couldn’t finish off her plate and pushed it away, blowing out a long breath and rubbing her stomach. “That was delicious, brother. Thank you.”

Gable’s doting smile was everything. “Glad you liked it, Little Bug. I’ll make it again for you.” He leaned over to whisper. “And no matter what Luna says, don’t share our secret recipe.”

She giggled again. “I won’t.”

“Good.” He ruffled her hair.

When we finished our plates, leaving only scraps on them, Mary eagerly jumped up and cleared the dishes away.

I cupped the warm hand on my knee. “You teach her that?”

“Sure did.” He grinned, watching her with a glowing pride I hadn’t seen on his face before.

Mary plugged the sink and got started washing the dishes.

Gable let out a low whistle. “Leave that, sis. Come over and play cards with us. It’s your deal.” He stood up and grabbed theExploding Kittensdeck he moved aside on the sofa.

Mary cut off the water and wandered over, taking her seat, and sliding the pile of cards over to her. Her eyes lit up as she picked through the pile for the diffuse cards, then shuffled the deck and dealt our hands.

We played a solid hour of the game, the night flying by until Mary stretched her arms wide and yawned. “May I go to bed, brother?”

“You don’t have to ask permission, Little Bug.” He stretched over and kissed the side of her head. “Good night. Don’t worry if Luna and I make any noises. I’m not hurting her.”

I blushed so hard, I needed ice cubes to dampen the flames.

Mary got out of her chair and went to bow when Gable clicked his teeth. She corrected and straightened. “Good night, Luna. It was an honor to be in your company.”

We’d have to get her out of that formal habit fast.

“Sleep well.” I waved and smiled as she retreated, spinning on her heel and hurrying to Gable’s bathroom.

I barely had a moment to adjust to us being alone when Gable shifted to the verge of his seat, grabbed me by the back of my neck, pulling me over for a heated kiss that officially kicked off the rest of our night together.

I was thrilled Talon allowed me to stay the night and promised to clear it with the headmaster and text me back with a change of plans. His lack of response told me the Academy didn’t have a problem with the situation.

Gable’s hand came to my ass, edging me forward, lifting me off my seat. “Get your ass on the sofa for a cuddle, Princess.”


Inever thought this was possible. Happiness. Freedom. Redemption. A girlfriend… who just happened to be royalty. The start of a friendship with Talon. A place of my own. Profession of my choosing. Partnering with members of the Guild to take down my enemy and rescue my family. My sister safely with me and free of the torture, humiliation, and brainwashing.

I came from nothing. Was treated like nothing. Abused for my gifts. Tormented for my failures. Lived to tell the tale. Hardship that taught me an overtly healthy skepticism and realism. Points of view that Luna gave light to and changed to optimism and hope.Fucking hope. A word I never thought I’d used in a sentence, let alone give energy to.

Villains sometimes got the girl and their happy ending, though mine wouldn’t be complete until Camus was dead, the Brotherhood nothing but ash, and shifters like me free to live without the threat of the Guild making them extinct. Merry-fucking-Christmas to me!

Luna reclined on the sofa, resting between my legs, her back on my chest. I stroked her arm with my left hand and scrolled my phone with my other, searching for a suitable playlist, somethingsoothing to send Mary to sleep so Luna and I didn’t have to worry about her. I needed a few moments to myself after the adjustment of accommodating her into my life.