Page 29 of Hellfire

I gave Mary my bed, and Luna and I would have to crash on the sofa, but she could rough it for one night. Her dorm wasn’t exactly the Hilton.

Her little hum gave me hope. “I’ll text Talon and ask.” She pulled out her phone from her wallet and pressed keys.

Pleased, I kissed her hair and ran the side of my hands down her shoulders and arms while she sent the message.

“Before I forget.” She held onto her phone. “The headmaster told me at assembly this week that he owes you.”

My brows snapped up, pulling the skin on my forehead tight. “Really?” I made a show to glance over her shoulder, peel back the curtain. “Yep. Pigs are flying.”

She laughed and rubbed my arm with her free hand. “I’m sorry, I didn’t get a recording of it, but you’ve earned gloating rights.”

“Oh, I will, Princess.” I let the curtain fall back.

A text reply came quickly with Talon’s approval and my dick roared to get our night underway.

“How’s Mary?” She replaced her phone in the pink leather purse gifted by Blaze. It suited her.

I appreciated that she cared about someone she barely knew. If it wasn’t for Luna, I would never have gotten my sister out of there. The fact that she kept her promise to get me back with my family meant more than words could express.

“Doing better.” I hooked my arm around my princess’ neck and brought her in for a hug, relishing the feel of her small, soft body on mine. “She hasn’t been up to sightseeing yet. We went for a longer walk to the mall and bought her sunglasses.”

“Can’t wait to see them.” Her hand slipped between our chests to drift over mine, resting over my heart. “How are you coping with this change?”

The question harpooned me, and I lost my breath for a moment. I didn’t know how to process that she gave a damn about how I felt. How to accept her love, kindness, and compassion when it didn’t come at a price or with motives behind it.

My parents only showed my siblings and me affection when we pleased them. Relations with ex-Brotherhood crew were co-dependent, relying on each other for safety, and we didn’t check in on each other’s feelings. This was the first balancedrelationship I had in my life, when I was used to power imbalances where I played the pawn to Camus or my parents or whoever forced me to do their will.

“Are you okay?” Luna’s warm fingertips traced my jaw, prickling the stubble I hadn’t shaved since Mary’s arrival.

“Fine, Princess.” I kissed her nose.

She shoved my chest. “Don’t give me that. You’re the strongest person I’ve ever met. Well… besides Cole. Anyway, you escaped, started a new life, built up this successful business, and you’re too afraid to tell me what’s on your mind.”

The woman understood me. Saw beneath the flimsy, cocky armor I projected to the world. Beneath it, I hid the little child who wanted to be loved.

I clasped her face. “I like what we have, Princess. This friendship. Relationship. It’s my first healthy one where I’m accepted for who I am and not what I can give someone. It’s… new to me.”

Our relationship started off as a mutually beneficial one—she needed my help, and I needed hers. In between those moments, there were glimmers of respect and affection between us, moments where we opened our hearts, shared our fears, hopes, and dreams. Things I never told a soul. I felt heard and not judged. Validation that gave me a high like nothing else. She made me feel seen for the first time in my life.

Her hands came down over mine, her thumb caressing my knuckle. “Relationships are new to me too, and we’ll work it out together.”

I loved that we explored this new territory together. It was more than sexual attraction. A deep trust and admiration. Valuing each other, our past, present, and future.

My heart began to pound in my chest, urging me to say what I really felt. “I think I love you, Princess, but I don’t really knowwhat love is like. I mean, I think I do, but I don’t beyond the love I have for my family.”

Her mouth curled into a comforting smile that annihilated any doubt. “I’m glad you said that, because I feel the same. I feel safe with you. No judgment on who or what I am.” She brushed my face. “We’ll take it at whatever pace you need and define it as we go. Friends? Lovers? In love?”

“All of the above.” I leaned down and met her lips with mine, taking my time to spell out exactly how I felt. My dick chose that moment to interrupt a touching moment, thumping against my jeans, demanding release. “You better stay the night, Princess, or I’m tying you to my couch and fucking you all night long.”


Life was pretty fucking perfect. At least, it was in this moment. My Rock god confessed his feelings for me, and I floated in a cloud made of energetic, electric, soulful notes as he pressed me up against his door again, kissing me like he feared I might run away and never come back.

I had four men dedicated to me, protective of me, willing to bend the rules for me, and it was more than a girl could want, let alone dream of. Damn… I lived and breathed one of Astra’s sappy romance novels. I was so grateful and content. More than happy, fucking dancing on the sun. The elemental djinn power within me combined into a starburst that longed to birth a new star into life to illuminate the world in love.

Gable sucked my lip into his mouth and nipped gently, then flicked his tongue over the stinging flesh. “Can we skip dinner and go to dessert? I’m hungry for princess pussy, and I want to eat you out five times before I feed you sustenance.”

I groaned into his mouth, our tongues rolling over each other in a seductive dance. This man knew how to kiss. Slow and sensual. I fisted his cotton, long-sleeved shirt, wanting to remove the barrier of clothing between us, and feel his skinunder my fingers and palms. He smelled so good—spicy, and earthy like his shop.