She studied her reflection, twisting her face left then right, lifting her hand to her gaunt cheeks as if catching them for the first time. Fingers stroked her pink mouth, feathered along her jaw, and tangled in a loose lock of hair.
I’d never seen myself in a mirror before Camus sent me on my first assignment, and I caught glimpses of myself in reflections of glass and polished metal.
“Want me to do your hair?” Yeah, she was old enough to do it herself, but the brushing motion lowered her apprehension, and her panicked movements said she needed it.
“I can do it.” Trembling fingers picked up the brush I bought from the supermarket and tamed her hair into an acceptable ponytail.
I smiled at her resolve, then broached a question. “Did I ever tell you how I got this place?”
“No.” She slid her feet into her sneakers and tied the laces.
“I stole some valuables from the Brotherhood before I left.”
She looked up, horrified.
“It was the least Camus owed me for doing his dirty work.” I never told her what that was. I didn’t want to fill her eyes with even more fear. “Anyway, I traded them for a bit of cash, and let’s just say it had something to do with a night at a casino and some smashing good luck.”
I stepped forward and brushed her cheek.
“A casino is where you gamble money on games,” I explained before she asked. “I’ll take you when we get you some fake ID.”
“Thank you, brother.” She smiled, pleased, though she might not be so happy with the crowds, bustle of bodies, booze, the jingling of slot machines, people cheering, and dealers shouting to place bets.
I didn’t know why I told her that. It seemed appropriate at the time. I ought to clarify. “I guess what I’m saying is, never be afraid to take what you want in life.” I messed this up with the wrong example.
I rubbed my forehead. Today wore me out. Every time someone came to visit, I worried how Mary would react, and I hadn’t been able to relax. Talon and Castor’s visit scared the hell out of her, and I had to play cartoons and force her to drink relaxant herbal teas for two days straight to soothe her. I was extra antsy with Luna coming for dinner with her connection to our past.
“That doesn’t mean steal,” I corrected myself and wagged a finger at my sister. “It’s metaphorical and has several meanings. One is not to be afraid to go after what you want. Another is to prioritize your needs. The Brotherhood never gave you that choice, but you’ve got it now.”
“I think I understand.” She frowned and stood.
I better get back to dinner preparations. I had to set the table. Steep myself a relaxant tea, nothing strong. I didn’t want to be relaxed to the point of incapacitated thinking in the event of an emergency. Just something a bit stronger than chamomile to take the edge off.
“I’ll leave you to it. Want anything to drink?”
“Chocolate milkshake, please.” She was enjoying the fruits of this world way too much after rations of stale bread and rice.
I quired a brow at her. “That’s for dessert only.”
“Water,” she conceded, and I left to get it.
Luna arrived early, knocking on the shop window, and I jogged out to door, glanced behind the curtain, smiling at herpink nose and cheeks from the cold. Talon waited behind her, his hand on her back, scanning for threats.
I swung open the door. “Come in, Princess.”
“I’ll pick you up at 10PM.” The gargoyle leaned down several inches to peck her on the cheek.
“See you then, my prince.” She spanked his stoney ass, then cursed under her breath and shook her hand.
He took her wrist and kissed and stroked it. “My naughty princess.” He cracked her on the ass and jumped back out of reach, smirking at her and backing away into the darkness. “Have fun, brother.”
Luna’s mouth flapped open. “Did he just call you brother?”
“I’m one of the family now.” I curled my arm over her back, drew her into my body, and pushed her up against the wall, taking her mouth with mine to show her how much I missed her these last two weeks. Brief phone calls, FaceTime, and texts were nowhere near enough. Our mouths moved in perfect synchronicity that said we were made for each other.
Her fingers tangled in my hair, and I loved the feel of them roving over my scalp, down my neck, shoulders, and back. I wanted her hands everywhere. Wanted her alone. She stayed here once with her men when I hosted a winter-themed party. That needed to happen again and more often.
“Do you have to leave tonight?” I groaned into her neck. “Can’t you stay?”