Page 25 of Hellfire

I sniffed, holding back a sob. “Why did you turn us away?”

“It was before they wiped your mind.” The headmaster’s drawn eyes met mine. “You were brainwashed by your grandfather, and I didn’t believe there was hope for you.”

There was always hope. Gable and I were proof of it.

“What about now?” I kept the questions up. “Is there hope for me? Or am I just a weapon for the Guild?”

He sighed, long and hard, his chest deflating. “I believe you are the key to this war. How, I do not know yet. And there’s always hope, Miss Prince.”

“I just want to be free,” I told him sincerely.

“I know you do, child.” He came up to me and cupped my cheek the way he had when we first met on a freezing dark night at the door to the Academy. “So do we.”

A moment of silence passed between us, and he reached up to scratch Brimstone’s chin.

“We need to protect ourselves over the coming months while a war rages internally,” he said. “That applies to all of your suitors.”

I didn’t want to fight a war in my home as well as outside of it. “I appreciate you looking out for us.”

The headmaster tipped his head in goodbye and moved on out of the auditorium.

I pressed a hand to my forehead and sucked in air, grateful to still be a student, to be safe within these walls, and with my boyfriends. For how long remained to be seen. We all had to be extra vigilant, obey the rules, and not give the Council any reason to dismiss us. I hated to admit it, but Gable was right when he said my place at the Academy was conditional. He was wise to warn me.

Brimstone nuzzled me and rasped at me, urging me to get to my first class. I couldn’t wait to give Cole the good news when we caught up for lunch.

Doing thatSaturday Night Feverstrut, I made my way to the door, stopping at the tall, familiar figure leaning in the doorway. Blaze, looking closer to the magazine model, his hair washed and styled, clothes pressed, hands stuffed in the pockets of his jeans.

“Hi.” I wasn’t expecting to see him until tonight, and my heart thumped four beats of delight.

He folded me into his waiting arms. “What did you think of the show?”

“Smells like vindication.” I chef kissed my fingers.

He chuckled, leaning his head on mine, and I loved the weight of him on top of me. “We had to make a public spectacleof it to convince any Gildrons who sided with Kymbal that he’s not as clean as a whistle.”

Brilliant war maneuver. Hopefully, it didn’t lead to more political machinations against my men or me.

I rubbed my chest against him as I stretched onto my tiptoes to kiss his jaw. “That explains why you left early this morning.” I poked his side. “Clandestine meetings, huh?”

“I’ve got more good news, Darkfire.” I loved the warmer note in his voice that sounded empty last night.

“Yeah?” I leaned back to study his brighter eyes, a paler blue than his turquoise.

Brimstone pecked me behind the ear, reminding me I was late, but I didn’t give a damn when my man needed me.

Blaze’s smile brightened his entire face, banishing the shadows that took occupancy after his kidnap. “Venellan’s reappointed me to light teaching duties. Half my standard load.” He kissed the top of my head. “Two classes instead of four.”

I tried to lean back and smile, but he pressed me tightly to him. “That’s wonderful. Congratulations.”

“Don’t think I’ll go easy on you, sweetness.” He rocked my hips from side to side. “I’m going to work your magical ass off.”

I laughed my reply, “I’d expect nothing less from the resident Nightfire Academy hardass.”

This time he poked me. “I’ve had to be with the faculty breathing down my neck. Things might be changing at last. Stay tuned.”

The complete opposite of what the headmaster told me. What did my man know that I didn’t? I’d wait with bated breath.

My bonded’s expression turned serious on me. “Thanks for staying last night. I haven’t slept so well in over a week.”