A poor comeback, typical of an asshole only on the Council due to his family connections and pedigree. Other than his credentials, he was a useless Gildron, a pitiful leader, and a dangerous enemy.
“That’s not proof of her supposed corruption,” Albert reminded, earning ground teeth in response. “Yes, her actions were hasty and ill-thought-out. Hardly means to expel her. Give her first and final warning. One more poor discretion and she’s out.”
Heated arguments broke out between the members that only Venellan was able to calm because Kymbal went off like a rocket launcher.
I owed Gable more than my thanks. He gave me valuable insights into the trouble at the Academy. If it wasn’t for him, Iwouldn’t have determined that Nelle was the infiltrator. Hunting her down led me to suspect she had help from someone, a Gildron or Tollen, to bypass the security systems. That person remained at large. Not for long, though.
Secondly, Gable’s suggestion to trap the specters in Devil’s traps netted me answers about the rituals being performed on leylines to harness potent power from the Veil. Information I had to put aside for higher priorities.
And lastly, any time our princess asked something of him, he agreed, even if it was dipping back into the dark powers he left in his past. Time and time again, he proved he wanted to end the snakes as much as we did, and that was the kind of man I wanted fighting by my side.
With the attention of the Council under his control, Venellan delivered a lethal blow. “I counter your proposal with reinstatement of Talon for extenuating circumstance—rescuing one of our own.”
“What?” Kymbal puffed, and I let out a laugh as he tried to maintain his failing integrity as a leader. “Absolutely not.”
Venellan ignored him and laid out the rest of his case. “To this, I add that Cole is restored to his role in weapon’s development. We need his genius to stand a chance against the Brotherhood.”
Yes, we did.
“Order! Order!” Kymbal slammed his gavel to no avail.
Cecil snatched it from him and tossed it on the floor.
Venellan gave his ally a sharp nod of thanks. “And lastly, I propose that Miss Prince is enrolled in her second semester of studies. She’s a valuable weapon in the war with the Brotherhood we can’t afford to lose.”
Uproar erupted in the space, and the gargoyles rasped and flicked out their wings, agitated by the commotion. Their confusion came to me in bursts through our shared stoneconnection, though not as strong as it did when I was in the same skin as them.
“Those in favor.” Venellan commanded the room in a way Kymbal never could, and five hands went up, leaving only the weasel and his strongest collaborator, Marius, in objection. “Thank you, Council.”
I barked out a laugh at Venellan’s success and leaned back in my chair. What a relief after being benched for almost two weeks. I felt a stab of pity that Blaze wasn’t brought into the equation but understood Venellan’s motives. Blaze changed in Camus’ castle and his mentor wanted to assess his behavior before bringing him back onboard. Three out of four successes, with one to be addressed in the future. Not bad odds.
Odds that deserved to be celebrated on the Saturday before the second semester started on Monday.
I found Luna and Cole playing computer games in the student recreational room, one of the few activities they were allowed to partake in on their bans. They talked smack to each other as they raced inMario Kart.
Brimstone’s head shifted, and he chirped his greeting from her shoulder. I pressed a finger to my mouth and scratched his head.
Crouched behind them, I wrapped my arms around their shoulders and dragged them back for a hug, careful not to interfere in their game. “How are my two favorite sexy people doing today?”
“Getting my ass kicked!” Cole jerked hisPlay Stationcontroller to the left like it would save him from crashing into the sidelines.
“Brimstone and I are winning!” Luna giggled, setting aside her controller to tickle her gargoyle’s chin.
Cole elbowed her in the arm, then patted his stony friend. “Excuse me, he was talking about me and Brimstone.”
Brimstone closed his eyes and wobbled his head, playing along with the joke, enjoying the attention by the pleasure along our rock bond.
I tickled my princess’ belly and kissed the back of her head. “Actually, I was talking about me and my gargoyle.”
Luna shifted position in her bean bag to swat at my arm. “Peck him, Brimstone!”
The gargoyle flapped his wings at me.
“Oh, I wouldn’t want to meet you in a dark alley. You’re terrifying!” She stroked his back, and he preened at the compliment.
I laughed at him. None of the other gargoyles had his temperament, personality, or intelligence. I could see why Venellan hand-picked him to protect and report on Luna when he refused her and her family refuge.
Luna’s smile scorched the last of my darkness from the past fortnight. “What’s put you in such a good mood? You find Camus?”