“Her teacher reports she’s a lovely student.” All strain evaporated from her words. “Bright, outspoken, confident, and she gets along well with the other children. We couldn’t have asked for a better student.”
Thank the goddess. My heart pitter-pattered. Proud mama moment. One to make up for all the others I missed. “That’s wonderful to hear.”
Jimmy would be over the moon. Dad too. Mom as well, when I arranged a visit.
Holding back my inner speed demon, I drove Alaric’s Forrester down to the school, pulling in behind him. My heart swelled at the sight of him leaning on his bike, leg lifted, poised on his stand. Dark hair that had grown out in waves rippling in the wind. Eyes catching the light. Gorgeous in his black leather vest, light denim, and boots. My broken man, pieced together like a Kintsugi bowl, the cracks painted in gold, shell a brilliant blue.
My breath hitched as he strode over to me, removing the toothpick from his mouth. “Hey, angel. Come to keep me company?”
The bond let my little cry for his touch through as he swept me into his arms. His responded with a loving swirl, wrapping me in his warm security.
“What are you doing here?” I brushed windblown hair from his eyes, peering into the depths of the gold and grey, striking in contrast.
“Watching over Mia.” He replaced the toothpick, rolling it with his lips, and damn, I wanted his kiss more than I ever did. Outside of school grounds probably wasn’t the best place for a passionate locking of lips.
“You don’t need to guard her. She’s fine.” I clasped his hand, squeezing. “Come on. Let’s go for a short ride.”
His head fell forward. “I can’t.”
The ice in my gut burned through my intestines. “Did Horus instruct you to guard her?”
“No, this is all me.” Alaric’s bond folded over itself as if hiding something.
I got clever to pry out more answers. “Your president won’t be very happy knowing his road captain slacked off.” More like he’d be completely happy knowing Mia was well guarded. But that wouldn’t get me answers. “How have you evaded Slade’s ire for not doing your duties?”
“I’ve got more than two eyes keeping watch.” He glanced up at the bird circling above.
Oh, wow. I didn’t know he could do that. “Can my shifter do that?”
“No, just me.” Made sense since Horus was a Sky god.
I circled his lower back, working on coaxing an answer to his troubles. “So you’re working double time, huh?” I leaned my head on his chest.
His scent washed over me. Clean linen, pine, nature, and his aftershave. Aqua Do Jio aftershave. Damn, he smelled good.
He chuckled, running his palm over my hair, sending shivers from my head to my toes. “Something like that.”
Dammit. He clammed up. Time to dig deeper. “What’s going on? That’s the second time you’ve been up to the school and they’ve called me.”
“I’ve been up here every day.” He stroked my face. “I promised to scare away the gods and monsters.”
Fuck. None of my mates said a thing to me after Mia started at the school.
“You have to leave or the principal is going to get the cops to escort you off school property.”
“I’m leaving.” He flicked the toothpick to the curb. “Get on my bike with me, Angel. There’s a spare helmet in the trunk.”
I ran my fingers through his wind-kissed waves. “Okay, as long as we’re back before pick up time.”
Alaric removed his phone and flicked off a text message. “No, angel. This is just you and me.” His need for my solace gripped the bond like Slade would my throat. “Zethan can pick her up from school and get one of our brothers to drive my car home.”
My first afternoon off. Part of me didn’t want to say no to that, while the mama bear growled and refused. I had responsibilities now and couldn’t just leave whenever I wanted.
When he got a reply on his phone, he said, “Move that ass before I make you. Castor’s going to watch her.”
I guess I could indulge for just one day.
“Yes, Discipline Daddy,” I teased with a smile, using my mate’s nickname for Alaric, as I backed away to his vehicle.