She tensed in my arms, a bomb about to go off. “Says the man who left my daughter to die.” Ouch. My balls were toast.
I fisted her hair and tenderly pulled her head back, forcing her to look at me. “Fuck, Nurse A. Just say what you want to say. I won’t fight in front of Mia so give me your best.” The Love god in me wanted to placate her and the War god wanted to negotiate the terms of surrender.
Aaliyah lost her battle with her tears, each one cutting through my heart.
“Fuck, woman, don’t cry.” I hated it when she cried. It hurt me more.
“You hurt me, Slade.” She angrily swiped at trails of moisture. “I know it wasn’t easy and the club backed you into a corner. But you could have sent more men to help me.”
Punch. One. Two. Three.
“We were down two men.” I kept her uncle’s name out of it. She didn’t need more tears staining her gorgeous face. “I needed a crew to protect the club and the rest to come with me and kill the Wolves.”
Reasons that weren’t going to cut it with her. “It’s time you put aside your duties as president to be my mate.”
Fuck. Backed into another corner. Forced to choose between my mate and club, both equally as important. The club was falling apart from outside influences, and I could barely hold it together. Strain from that destroyed my relationship, with history about to repeat itself again, me losing my mate, losing my mind, killing someone in the process. Something had to give, or I’d lose it all. Decisions weighed heavy in my chest. Aaliyah wouldn’t accept anything less than prioritizing her.
“Fuck. I know.” I stroked her silky arm. “In hindsight, I was wrong. Very fucking wrong and I’m sorry I hurt you. Lines blurred between the club and my mate, and I won’t let that fucking happen again. You’re too important to me.”
“Wow. Slade Vincent apologizing. First time for everything.” Later I expected her to get on her knees and apologize for her transgressions.
Twice in one day. Once to Zethan. Again, to her. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you. I regretted it every fucking second.” Each word came out a savage growl that promised to make the fucker screwing with me pay. “I won’t let this war come between us again. I swear.”
I wanted to ask her if her secrets would come between us and her other mates, but the question died on my tongue like a fire doused by water.
“Good.” The tiniest slither of relief soaked into the bond.
More questions rolled in my head as I walked her out to the door, the most important how to make her happy and Mia comfortable while she settled in with us.
“What do you want, Nurse A? Time away from the club? To resign? Get some work at the hospital?” No. Someone else required her care and attention. Mia. “Hell, I’ll support you if you want to be a mom for a while.” My stubborn woman was too independent to take my money, but I’d throw it out there anyway.
“Let me think about it.” Her drained tone told me she needed time and distance from the club. Then she asked the question hanging between us. The frayed thread about to snap. “Will you reinstate Zethan?”
Fuck. Whatever I said made me a bad guy. “One day, if he proves himself.” Meaning if he pulled his head in, left the cops alive, and obeyed my orders.
Her gaze regarded Brix with murderous fury. “You’ve got to do something about that asshole. He’s getting out of hand.”
Glad we were on the same page with a few issues. “I’m going to kill the cunt for backing me into a corner.” Couldn't say I would be sad if that asshole met an unfortunate end. “This is the last bullshit between us, Nurse A. I swear. I can't lose you.”
Fuck. Balls stripped. Manhood gone. I was the fucking sucker apologizing for everything when she owed me one as well. I didn’t want to add fuel to the fire by bringing that up. One issue at a time. Get her and Mia home safely. Deal with the club and meet them at home. Then tackle my mate’s betrayal delicately. Something told me if I brought it up now, she would strike like a cornered snake, and I didn’t need any more venom poisoning my veins.
“I don’t want to lose you either.” She twisted our engagement ring on her finger, a new wave of hope giving me strength. “I’m still mad at you. Gonna drag your ass along the road. But not now. I’m too tired to fight.”
Blistered, scraped, fucking bleeding from gravel rash. “How bad is my gravel rash this time?” Cause hers was gonna be a scale ten when we addressed it.
She smiled. Forlorn, the disappointment starting to lift. “Gravel rash scale ten.”
“Fuck.” I forked my fingers through my hair.
She scratched at my beard, and I loved it when she played with it. “I’m letting this go for now, for Mia’s sake and mine. But you’re not off the hook. We have more important issues to address right now.”
Unveil the avatar behind all our havoc, kill him, and get everything back on track. Reinstate Zethan to VP and not look back.
I hated having this hanging over my head. I wanted her to bust my balls and get it over with. Bust hers right back. Fight. Curse. Epic hate sex. Make up.
“All right, sugar.” Guilt corded my throat.
I caught her mouth in a soft kiss to show her how much I would fight for her. She pressed into me, reassuring me she was still mine. I didn’t want to pull away, didn’t want to leave her. But the club needed me. They had me for an hour, then I was hers.