What I did for Alaric.
Fuck, nothing ever went smoothly with the Jackals. For the first time ever, I contemplated walking away. Saving my heart the trouble. Protecting my daughter from the heartache of getting attached. Because I didn’t just have myself to think of now. Something told me that leaving them wouldn’t be so easy, and Slade really would follow through on his threat of tying me to the bed to make me stay. But would that solve our problems? Silence our demons? Kill them for good? I fucking hoped so.
Mmmm,four rugged handsome bikers crowding the kitchen. Tattoos. Rings. Facial hair. Gruff voices murmuring. Leather, musk, steel, and masculine scents touched my senses. My wet dream. Pity only two worked, Castor cooking, and Alaric schooling Mia on setting the table, pouring drinks, and carrying bowls to the table.
Slade crushed me to his side, nursing a beer in his other hand. “Race week’s next week.”
“What race?” My voice came out hoarser than I wanted, my throat dry, the spot between my legs glowing with a soft heat at the closeness of my mates. A temperature I kept well under control with my daughter in the vicinity.
“Bathurst 1000 car race,” Zethan replied, like I should know when I was out of the loop for the last two weeks.
Bathurst’s prime event of the year. Cars, loud engines, racing, and half-naked women. Dad used to go with Dany and the club every year until they fell foul with the Jackals. Jealousy spiked in my veins at the thought of my men looking at one of the grid girls.
I grabbed Slade's cut tight in my fists. “Look at any of the race girls and I will cut off your balls and feed them to you.”
“Pick on me all you want, Nurse A.” Slade threw his arms wide. “You know I’m the one likely to get in trouble.”
I knew he wouldn’t look at another woman that way by the promise he made me.
I won’t look at another woman. Won’t touch one. Only you.
Even if he did, he would feel nothing. That was how our bond worked and it would stay that way. I just liked to tease and rile him up. Payback for all the times he did it to me.
“You and Alaric with your partying.” I glanced at my mate. Broken pieces glued back together. Rough edges. Everything I loved about him. “Not too much drinking, please.”
Alaric hadn’t touched a drink since he gave up alcohol… that I knew of… but big crowds kicking back to enjoy the race, testosterone, and excitement permeating the air, I worried he might be tempted.
Fire snorted out of Slade’s nostril. Literally. Sexy as hell. Not appropriate in front of Mia, and I punched his abdomen.
He growled and clamped his rough hand on the back of my neck. “You’re the only woman for me.” He leaned in to whisper. Hot. Rough. Panty melting. “These balls are owned.”
“I’m glad you finally realized it.” I grinned at his dimples flashing like beacons.
Zethan chuckled darkly behind me.
“We always knew you were whipped,” Alaric groused as he passed, and I shot him a glare for saying it in front of Mia.
“Slade, sit next to me.” Mia tugged at his arm.
“Balls owned twice,” Slade muttered, and my pupils turned to slits sharper than daggers. He ignored me, sinking down to his knee, and I smacked the back of his head for talking like that in front of her. “Give me a hug, Bossy Boots.”
“I’m not bossy,” Mia sassed back, and delighted laughter bubbled out of my throat.
I slid into Zethan’s arms, loving the tightness of my broody man’s hold, his metallic scent, his heartbeat speeding at my nearness.
“Just like your mother.” Slade bear hugged her, and she made a thrilled noise. She was smitten with him. Adored them all in different ways. Them getting along so well made my heart smile. “Sassy pants.” He lifted her into the air and did a quick airplane ride. When he set her on her feet, he nudged her. “Finish setting the table and I’ll join you in a minute.”
Mia tugged at his hand with more insistence. “No, come now!”
Goddess. He turned her into a bratty princess.
“Bossy!” Slade snapped his teeth and she squealed and ran away to do what she was told.
Slade traced a finger down my spine. “The Council shut off Russell Street and set up lots of fun kid’s activities. Jumping castles. Huge slides. Food stalls. Take her down there with Castor. He hates the races.”