An idea to get behind. Perhaps in our next group setting. Thinking about watching the others fuck her and being surrounded by the four of us to give her every pleasure she desired made blood rush to my groin.
Slade’s lust for wrath tainted his relationship with Aaliyah and he thought running decisions past her made up for it. He got off too easy if you asked me. Business and pleasure never mixed. Our mate should never come second best.
I tossed my coffee cup in his bin. “You worried you’ll lose her?”
All smugness fell from his face. Difficult question to answer. Slade Vincent never showed weakness. “It’s not a matter of saving my balls. It’s a matter of saving our relationship.” Our woman meant as much to him as the club did. Two halves of his merciless soul.
Slade cast Zethan a longing look, trying to open up a dialogue, but Zethan remained apathetic to the whole thing.
Fuck. I’d have a word with him.
Realizing he got his ass handed to him, Slade growled at me, “Get your ass out of here and get me results.”
“Sure thing, Prez.” I moved to the door, giving Zethan a look to come with me. Before I left, I paused, leaning on the door, giving them both a meaningful look backed with a double entendre. “She loves you. She won’t leave. She had the chance to when the club betrayed her.”
Indifference held Zethan’s mask firmly in place, but the bond leaked his dispute with the situation.
Slade picked up on my message, sighing and leaning back in his chair. “Then why do I have the sinking feeling Aaliyah Heller bides her time with us? Waits for us to eliminate the threat looming over us. Once the curse is broken, and she’s unbound from us, she’s got no reason to stay. She’ll leave our sorry asses behind.”
Slade’s fear became a strong possibility. Woman was too good for us. We were criminals and took lives and she wanted to save them. The minute she was free of the mate bond, she might leave, and that left him nothing short of kidnapping her and holding her hostage to keep her with us. He didn’t fear death, pain, or imprisonment, but losing her scared the hell out of him.
If I was honest with myself, I was close behind him in that regard. One reason I delayed finding the solution to breaking our curse.
If Slade’s fear was anything to go by, Zethan would leave too, and we couldn’t afford to lose either of them. Especially not the mate we bled for and would kill for again to keep with us.
Administeringa good old reckoning was one way to ease the unsettled angst building inside. I tracked down the wife of the police superintendent to Bathurst city center. A little grocery shopping on the way home from getting her nails done. On the drive over, I cut all the CCTV footage of anything within a mile radius.
Nothing saidfuck youbetter than a nice little tire slashing, Brix completing her BMW’s front tires, me the rear. At two hundred and forty a tire, not a cheap exercise to replace. We waited for her return to pass on a message from my president to her husband.
Christians viewed wrath as a sin, but Thoth was the god of it, and I obeyed him, not any other deity. Only he held me accountable for my actions, not the outdated teachings of a God that didn’t exist. Conceived at the creation of time, Thoth was much older, wiser, and shrewd than any God born two thousand years ago.
Roman Emperor Constantine butchered the real Christian faith, slicing together beliefs and practices from the Egyptian and Celtic creeds at the first Council of Nicaea. Basing Easter on a pagan fertility festival celebrating Spring in the northern hemisphere, and Christmas on a pagan festival for the agricultural god Saturn, not the death or birth of Christ. Though, every spiritual practice had its origins steeped in history.
Thirty-five minutes later, our target wrangled a shopping cart with a dodgy wheel, skipping everywhere but the direction she required. Recyclable green bags clanked with items inside.
Glamor firmly in place, I moved toward her. “Need a hand?”
She glanced up and froze, recognition and fear sweeping through her hazel eyes. Gaze scraping the carpark for a way out, she backtracked to the shopping center and I jerked my head at Brix to cut her off at the pass.
“Where you going, toots?” He rounded on her, blocking her entry. “We just wanna have a friendly chat about what your husband’s been up to. Messing where he shouldn’t.”
Fuck. Color me impressed. I thought he’d say something dumb. Clearly, he’d done this before. I let him do the talking so she remembered his voice if it ever came to a police line-up.
Her trembling hands slipped to her Oroton handbag. “Move or I’ll scream.”
“Go for it, love.” He jerked his head in my direction and she glanced at me. “Do you think anyone will stop us?”
“What… what do you want to talk about?” Subtle movement of her hand suggested she slipped a distress call button. I disabled the battery and any transmitting function. A can of mace slid out of her bag, failing to spray with the cut springs in the fuse.
Brix chuckled like a sick fucker who got off on intimidating women. “Pass on a message to your husband to back the fuck off or we’ll be paying you more visits.”
No mention of names, just like we practiced. Fuck. I had to hand it to the asshole, he pulled through when required. Didn’t mean his job was safe.