“Go on.” Slade treated my ass to a light spank.
“Don’t forget your sunblock!” I chased after Mia.
I grabbed my bikini from Slade’s suitcase, and stole into her room, closing the door. She peeled off her striped dress and let it drop on the floor.
“We’re cleaning that up, aren’t we?” I reminded her, and she mumbled a protest, snatching it up and tossing it on the bed.
We dressed together, her in a one-piece, me in my newSea Follytwo-piece Castor picked out. Dark Daddy enjoyed treating me, and I loved giving him the satisfaction, excited to show off the black number with colored flowers. Except, the bikini top revealed a little too much side boob that my mates wouldn’t complain about, but I tried to maintain some decorum for my daughter.
“Here.” I lifted a rash guard over her to make sure her shoulders and back didn’t burn. She grumbled again. “Bad luck. You’re not getting burned and getting skin cancer when you’re older.”
Nurse A was definitely in the house when it came to Mia’s health. Once she turned eighteen, it was her choice, but until then, my rules.
“The best-looking boyfriend is here!” Alaric shouted from the front door, making me chuckle, me hurry my ass, and my chest tingle with anticipation to greet him.
“Gross,” Mia muttered as I painted her face with sunblock.
“The smartest boyfriend is here,” Castor threw in.
“I never want a boyfriend.” Mia made a mess as she scrubbed the thick white cream into her forearm.
Good. I didn’t want her having one either. Too much heartbreak.
“Let’s go swimming.” I went to take her hand when Mia burst out of the room like a cannonball. “Put on your float devices!”
“No dive bombs!”
Goddess.I think I got the hang of this mom thing.
So why did I feel like such a fake? Was it because I didn’t know what I was doing? Because I didn’t feel like I deserved this? Because I dreaded Mia knowing the truth. Definitely because I was a sinner and killer. All those things and more.
Another heavier weight rooted in my stomach. A looming discussion with my mates about the next step.
Didthey have to do that? Wade around topless and distract me from parenting duties?Goddess have mercy. A woman had limits. Sweat trickled down the sides of my face. Heat burned holes in my core. Beeps went off in my head as if a machine tracked my heartbeat. Four rugged, handsome men in board shorts, muscles slick with pool water, bodies as hard as marble, propelled me next to the sun. Even though Zethan wore his rash vest to cover his scars, my eyes kept going to him, appreciating the massive form hidden beneath.
Watching my mates and daughter in the pool was absolutely adorable. Too many smiles played on my lips. Love tugged at my damn heart. The broken part of me felt stitched, hardening into a scar but healing. For the first day in three, I didn’t see Danny’s demon, and that was a good sign.
I lounged by the pool, happy watching as Slade held Mia’s waist while she dog-paddled with her floating devices. Earlier they were doing dive bombs, splashing water everywhere. When they got bored of that, they playedShark and Fish, and Alaric, the sporty one of the bunch, beat everyone, hands down. When Slade thumped him in the arm, my hawk let Mia win every time. Having them all together made me feel complete in a way I never had before.
Mia and my mates playedMarco Polo, with the president blindfolded and volunteering to tag the others. Slade counted down, and everyone scattered to hide, Mia paddling furiously away from him, slowed by floating devices.
“Zero!” Slade shouted, hands outstretched, sailing through the water, a predator on the hunt for his prey.
Alaric snuck behind Castor, flicking water at Slade, encouraging his approach. Castor let Slade catch him, and Mia giggled. Playful spirits dulled the tension between Slade and Zethan, and they pretended to have fun together for Mia’s sake. Talk about making us feel like a real family and making the most of our getaway.
Seated on the pool’s edge, I kicked my legs in the water, unable to shake off the underlying restlessness that my men had accepted Mia a little too easily. Tonight, once we put her to bed, I wanted to have a discussion with them, find out their opinions on how to negotiate this new territory… or if they wanted to. The thought of any of them bowing out made my gut clench.
In response to the edginess creeping up on my bond, Slade splashed me with water. “Get in, Nurse A. Get wet.”
I was enjoying getting some sun on my body after a long winter.
As if sensing the growing storm in me, Castor lifted me off the edge, carrying me around the pool, stroking my back and hip, keeping it PG for my daughter. Otherwise, it would have been getting freaky about now by the desire in his eyes and burning in his chest.