Page 97 of Sinful Mates

“I chose the name Castor Reading after my god, the weaver of magick and keeper of knowledge.” I swept my palms over her hair, the teal and purple streaks a nebula in the galaxy.

“That suits you,” she murmured in approval. “Why did you change it?”

“Abayad died on paper when the triad came after me as retribution for putting one of their members on trial for murder.” I stifled a shocked cry with a kiss, soothing her concern. “Don’t worry, Sorceress, they’re all dead.” I smiled and her gaze softened. “Thoth protects his reckoner and enforcer.”

“Maat must be delivered, huh?” She glanced back at the cells, her resolve teetering, her darkness calling to her.

I didn’t need to give her an answer. She knew it. Unbalance for too long drove the world into chaos.

Aaliyah surprised me with her next words. “Let me read your client’s files and the test data. Then I’ll make my decision.”

Reckoning swelled with hope. One step closer to destroying her demons and being free from them forever. Free of guilt and shame of taking the lives of those who broke the law.

“Are you sure?” Because once she read them, there was no going back. The testimony and evidence would haunt her like Danny’s ghost, regardless of whether she decided to do anything about it.

“Yes, I’m sure.” Conviction coated her words.

I took her into a dark office with rows of filing cabinets stacked with folders containing all the crimes of every captive. Slinging one drawer open, I removed a thick, green folder, giving it to her. I pulled out my office chair and let her sink into it. She spent an hour reviewing it thoroughly, asking me questions, and I provided her the information. She compared falsified data to actual data pulled from the company’s servers.

She closed the files and rubbed her tired eyes. “There are definitely cover-ups, collusion, and fraud.”

“Nothing, new, Sorceress. This has been going on for a long time. Pharmaceuticals make big money.”

The whole financial system favored the strong and broke the weak. Assholes like James were protected by the financial backing of these companies. Legal loopholes enabled these companies to bankrupt their opponents.

Not on mine and Thoth’s watch. We would ensure justice was served to those who preyed on the weak, fed off the vulnerable, and abused the broken. Balance must be delivered by the gods, or else risk the release of the demon, Apophis.

Aaliyah sighed and nodded. “The hospital’s yearly medication budget was in the millions.”

I pushed a glass of water to her and she took a drink from it. “Multiply that by thousands and it’s a multibillion-dollar industry.”

She scraped her palm along her neck. “I want to speak to him.”

Fuck. She was considering it.

Reckoning burned like a small flame seeking more air.

I took her to his cell and opened the door. The faint hint of vomit hit me, mixed with hospital-grade cleaners. James Dolher lay bedridden on the gurney, the only luxury I afforded him. Deathly pale, skin paper thin, dark veins visible through his skin. Hair receded from all the drugs.

Monsters like him didn’t get second chances. Karma, fate, the gods, whatever you called it, came back in full swing to take out filth like this that hindered the evolution of humanity.

Aliyah took charge, moving in behind me, sliding a chair up to him, sitting on it, and crossing her legs. “Did you approve the falsifying of data in your role as CEO of Morna Pharmaceuticals?”

His head lolled to the side. “How about I get a phone call to call my lawyer and then we’ll talk?”

Smartass. Negotiating he tried with me for weeks before he gave up. With a fresh face, his determination returned. I thumped him with the back of my hand for the disrespect to my mate.

Recognition of his crimes and atrocities burned in his dark eyes. This was the end of the road for him. He knew it. I knew it. Whether Aaliyah delivered the reckoning or not. For every injustice he delivered, Thoth and I would make this scum pay. Today his journey on Earth ended.

Aaliyah’s bond winced at the aggression, but she held her poker face. “I’ll ask again. And again. And again. Want to dance with me, motherfucker?”

Impressive. Injected a bit of Slade in there. Sexy as hell.

“What’s it to you?” he snarled, cracked lips peeling back to reveal long, horsey teeth. “I’m dead, so why not take the secret to my grave.”

Fire scorched the bond. “It’s my job to nurse the people you make sick, you asshole.”

Pride swelled at my mate. She would make a fine solicitor if she switched careers. Roast assholes like this on the witness stand. Fuck. Those were the days. I missed the exhilaration of backing a witness into a corner like a predator about to devour its prey.