“Behave or I’ll never get to visit my mother.” The woman’s dress billowed and trailed behind her as she advanced toward us. “I’m Autumn, avatar of Persephone.”
I liked her already. Natural friendliness. The peacekeeper and mender of relationships. Her power overwhelmed me, and I felt like I knelt at the foot of a goddess.
“This is my daughter, Serena.” Autumn carried the baby as if she weighed nothing at all.
“May I?” I motioned for the infant.
“Of course.” Autumn emitted pure trust as she gifted a complete stranger her child to hold.
Serena babbled unintelligible words at me, and I laughed. I stroked her fluffy green hair she inherited from her mother.
“Aren’t you talkative?” I bounced her, enjoying the soft, chubby skin against my hands. “Hi. I’m Aaliyah.”
Goddess, I leaned in to smell her. Baby powder and shampoo. Diapers. I loved the smell of infants. Reproductive hormones squirted into my veins, making me clucky and broody for a baby of my own.
I had a flash of Slade cuddling our baby, whispering to it, blowing its belly and making it laugh, brushing its hair. Of all my mates pitching in to care for our child. Castor, reading to it at night and tutoring with homework. Alaric, teaching it about the sky, the universe, and being domestic daddy. Zethan, being its friend and father. My heart did little flips at the vision, yearning for a child with my men.
I pinched Serena’s cheek and she giggled. “How old is she?”
Autumn gave a proud, loving smile. “Nearly one.”
“One?” I stared down at the infant.
“Long story.” Autumn waved a dismissive hand. “She’s part demigod and grows faster in her body.”
Holding Serena made my heart clamp with grief at missing Mia growing up. The finger sucking, babbling, and deep, innocent gazes. First words. First steps. Moving from breast milk to solids. Fuck.
“She’s beautiful and precious,” I told Autumn, biting back my turmoil.
“And a handful.” Autumn’s laugh set me at ease. “Loves her daddy. He’s the favorite.”
“I bet,” I replied. “My men are already my daughter’s favorite. I’mserious mommy.Scolding mommy.” I emphasized the last two with sarcastic groans.
Autumn chuckled, the sound going right through me, whisking my hair like a summer breeze. “Men?”
“Yes, four. A handful in themselves.” I grinned at her.
She nodded as if she understood the harem concept. “I have a friend—Locke—who has three men.”
I nodded. “Castor, one of my mates, is friends with Locke’s partner Mads.”
Autumn’s laughter deepened. “My husband and Mads are very good friends, aren’t you, Hades?” The tease prompted her husband to scowl from his protective stance behind her.
“Careful, or I’ll treat that mouth to the attention it deserves,” he warned, the hairs on my neck standing on edge from the sexual chemistry crackling in the air.
Autumn’s pupils darkened and widened. Um, awkward. I stood there, bouncing the baby, pretending I was lost in her, tickling her cheek.
Autumn cleared her throat. “We should have you all over for dinner one night.” Gracious and accommodating, I liked her even more.
“I’d like that,” I replied, patting Serena’s diapered bottom. “But I’m not sure the Underworld would remain standing.” Hades would probably kill one of my mates, and my money was on Slade.
Autumn giggled and rubbed her husband’s muscled arm. “We’ll seat Mads and the infamous Slade at the end of the table, won’t we?”
“In the next room,” Hades growled. “Or at the children’s table, where Mads belongs.” His hard mouth curled into a surprising smile, drawing a laugh from me.
Talk about stiff and wound tight. His marble features relaxed when he looked upon his wife and daughter. A bit like the way Zethan gazed upon Mia and me. My heart gave a pleased sigh.
Autumn patted his chest. “I don’t trust Mads won’t encourage Serena into misbehaving.”