When we finished the first one, we showed our mate how to install the security mesh on the inside face of the window. Burying herself in the task, she got busy drilling holes and securing the screws.
Mesh and external irons bars ought to keep a club or invaders out. This place was a safe haven for abused women, and I would never let another threat pass the threshold ever again. It was my duty to protect them and nothing would stop me from now on.
Castor and I put additional safety precautions in place in case an intruder tried to break in. Death and dark magick combined to create havoc. God help any prick who trespassed on my land.
The whole time we worked, Aaliyah didn’t stray far from our sides, always keeping Alaric in sight, and he her, stopping to take breaks if she wanted to go to the bathroom or get us a drink of water. Shadows for each other and I was grateful for it.
I cut her a glance as she fixed her second security mesh. Her brows crushed together in deep focus as she wrenched a screw with a Phillips head. My beautiful mate enjoyed being busy and useful. Castor and I had a bet running how long it would take her to either return to the club as our medic or seek part-time work at the hospital. I had her down for six weeks and him eight, and I was close to losing as we hit the month mark.
We sped through and finished the windows, stopping for lunch before Alaric got into the welding and Aaliyah and I attached new doors to replace those kicked or beaten down. By the time we finished, the shelter started to resemble itself again. Wooden accents and floors. The mesh and grills might alarm the women, but we’d explain it away as a safety precaution.
At the end of his task, Alaric came inside, a little sweaty from the heat of the welding gun. “All done.”
“Come here, my sexy, sweaty man.” Aaliyah jumped into his arms to give him a steamy kiss that stirred a pleased keen down our bond. He circled his arms around her waist, locking her body to his.
The three of us went to inspect his work, the road captain carrying our mate, spoiling her.
I tested it, giving it a good yank, and the metal held firm. “Good work. This will only come off if someone uses considerable force to wedge it off with a crowbar.”
Someone with an avatar’s strength. Unlikely, unless Colton fucking Raine wanted to make a personal visit.
“I think this deserves a beer.” Alaric declared it finishing time, dropping more kisses to Aaliyah’s nose and cheeks.
“I’ll clean up and meet you on the back porch.” The one place untouched by the foul stain of the Wolves.
I collected Alaric’s welding equipment, stored it in his cases, and packed them onto the bed of my 4x4. The rest of the stuff we could gather after our well-deserved beers.
My mate and brother waited for me out on the porch, reclining in the long chair, Aaliyah leaning on Alaric’s arm. I slumped beside them, dragging her legs over my lap, rubbing her ankles, free of the boot she shirked off.
Frosted beer slid from my mate’s hand into mine, and when she retreated, I caught her knuckles for an appreciative kiss. “Thanks, baby.”
“Welcome.” She leaned forward to take my mouth with hers. I kissed her back. Hard, yielding to softer. Her responding moan shot a bolt of heat to my cock that I chased away with the press of my sweating beer. We had plenty of time for that tonight… and I planned to make it last. All. Fucking. Night.
Warm spring air teased my woman’s hair and I kissed her temples, appreciating her new cut and color.
Galahs hunted for grubs and horses grazed in the fields surrounding the shelter. A tractor hummed as it sliced the long grass. The sun dipped lower in the skies, highlighting the bluish tinge over the Blue Mountains National Park.
Peaceful was how everyone described this place. Why I spent so much time here over the club. Quieter, for one. I got twice the work done without interruptions. Not as much competition without all the men. The shelter’s occupants tidied after themselves and were better mannered. Not that I had anything against the boys, but I spent a lot more time with women, with two sisters and my mom, before my stepdad joined our family.
Remote and private locations like this served to conceal both the shelter’s location and function. Our neighbors—farmers and horse ranchers—watched out for us and reported any suspicious behavior, especially of late with the fucking cops up our damn asses. Loyalty earned from taking care of one of their own from an abusive spouse.
Slade’s father chose an industrial estate for the club’s location for the same reason. Shielded the club’s activities. Nobody complained if we hosted a party in the middle of the day. Workers from surrounding businesses left us alone, but also came over for our barbeques and parties. Networking activities that kept them on our good side to warn us of any trouble.
My mate stared at me as if she knew where my train of thought went.
We’d been so busy getting Mia settled that I hadn’t checked in with her. “How’s motherhood, baby?”
Slade was clucky as fuck, dropping hints at putting a devil or two in her belly. Hell, the asshole had me competing to get there first, but not until everything settled with Mia.
Aaliyah finished her sip of beer. “It’s challenging being thrown in the deep end with no experience or knowledge.”
Tell me about it. “When Slade offered me the position of VP, overnight I went from being a cop told what to do and when, to making the fucking decisions for twenty-something men.” A lot of pressure for a twenty-six-year-old coming out of a broken relationship ending after our son passed away. Somehow, I made my new job work. Faked it, more like it.
Fuck. Thinking about old memories got me nostalgic for all the good times I had with Slade and the men. Young. Dumb. Playing up for two years straight to counter being trapped in a loveless, doomed relationship. I lost count of how many women I buried my pain in, how many beers I drank, and how many men I punched in crazy bar fights.
Slade never once complained that I lost myself and never came back from my darkness. He was always there to haul me up from the toilet bowl to put me to bed after one too many tequila shots. Always waking me up with breakfast and coffee.
Wild ways that changed when we leveled up with Pharaoh because twenty-six men’s futures and families relied on me. From that day forward, it was three beers maximum for me for the night. None if I worked in the shelter. Zero-alcohol policy in case we needed to rush a woman to the hospital.