Oh, goddess. The cops had done something again.
Mia slurped on her glass of Fanta. “Move it or lose it.”
Dimples pricked the president’s cheeks as he smiled. “Sound advice.” He messed up her hair with a rub.
Irritation still bubbled on our connection, but the intensity lost its fuse.
As if sensing Slade needed to let off steam, Alaric rose from his chair. “Who needs another drink?”
Everyone nodded.
He held out his palm to my daughter. “Come help me, little bird.”
“Fanta!” Mia launched out of her seat like a rocket. Any excuse for a soda.
“I’ll have another cider, Sot Nesu.” Castor held up his glass.
“Please,” Mia emphasized, giving him the eyes I gave her when she forgot her manners.
I chuckled behind my fork.
Castor smiled. Dark. Dominant. Charming. “Please.”
“Okay!” Mia snatched his glass and ran into the kitchen with Alaric, who kept her occupied searching the fridge, collecting drinks and pouring them.
“What happened?” I smoothed my big bear’s forearms.
Slade fished out his cigarette rolling paper, more to work off his chaos than light it and smoke it inside. “The Commissioner of Police is putting Dirty Ink under a probity check for suspected Hepatitis infection from contaminated equipment.”
Not the tattoo parlor. I was planning a special surprise for my mates with some tattoos. I just needed things with Mia to calm down and to find the time.
Slade licked the paper to seal the smoke. “Investigators are attending next Tuesday.”
Those damn cops. Relentless. Punishing. Equal to my men in that regard. But where the cops played with government procedure, we played with fire.
Castor sliced his roast lamb like he wanted to carve the police commissioner. “I could put an end to this with the insurance files.”
Slade rubbed his curled fist again. “Up the pressure on the superintendent first. Releasing that will rain more fire down on us. I only want it as a last resort.”
The VP rubbed his chin, the five o’clock shadow showing through. “I agree.” His eyes swung to Zethan for his opinion.
My mate glanced over at Mia before speaking. “Agreed.”
Slade cracked his knuckles. “What’s your opinion, Nurse A?”
Every set of eyes at the table landed on me, giving me space for my opinion. Still considering me a member. Including me in their lives. My heart couldn’t get any bigger for these men.
Castor mentioned the club the police were members of. Elite members of society preying on the weak with their wealth, power, influence, and greed.
“Will it cause more grief?” My eyes betrayed me, flying to my daughter.
Castor answered this one. “We’ll be one of the suspects, so yes.”
I took Slade’s hand and he squeezed. “Then I’m not terribly keen, but understand this harassment won’t stop. I’ll leave the decision to you. It’s your club.”
Slade’s grip almost crushed my fingers. “You’re still a Jackal, Nurse A.” He wanted to argue more, and conquer me with words that encouraged me to reconsider my position. But Mia returned with Alaric. “Thank you, sweetheart. You’re a good girl.” He kissed the top of her head.
We acted like nothing happened. Alaric probed the bonds for answers, and Castor replied with agreeable energy and he nodded, onboard with the plans. This was only just the beginning of the hell the cops intended to rain down on us. Pretty soon, Slade would snap and return fire and it wouldn’t be pretty.