Fuck. Then I thrust a kid on him when he had intimacy issues. At the beach house, he asked for time to get accustomed to the new arrangement. By all accounts, he might never get comfortable with the demons raging inside him.
Danny’s laughter echoed in my ear.You’ll never be enough for them, little liar.
Zethan twisted to face me and check on me. “What’s wrong, Hellhound Bitch?”
“Nothing. It’s fine.” I tried my best to hide it but did a terrible job of it.
Police officer instincts in him kicked off and he poured over the bond for clues. “No, it’s not. What happened?”
Realistically, it was none of his business when this was between Castor and me, but all of his business when it concerned the harem. Certainly not something to bring up in front of the main offender.
As if sensing this was about him, Castor possessively dug his fingers into my sides, the fear of losing me rising on his bond.
“Not now.” When I went to move away, Zethan dropped the matter.
Where was I? Mia learning to ride her bike. I stuffed all mate relationship issues to the back of my mind to focus on her.
Alaric jogged to keep up with Mia as she pushed the bike. “Not so fast, little bird.”
“I want to go faster.” She pouted as Alaric spun her to face us.
Slade rumbled, gaze proud, and my heart warmed the frost that descended on it. “She gets that fiery determination from her mom.”
My other two mates nodded their agreement.
Fuck. My heart sprouted wings and took flight at my new family. One very content mommy. An animated and adorable baby girl. Four mates and daddies. Slade would make things a party for Mia, that was for sure. Zethan would be her calm influence. Castor, her teacher like he was mine. Alaric, her protector to watch over her. I couldn’t wait to see how things would unfold with them. I know it was a lot to ask of my men to accept her into our relationship. She was unplanned and unexpected, but things with the Jackals never went smoothly.
“I’m glad you’re here.” I ran my palm over Zethan’s massive chest, enjoying his breadth and bulk beneath my fingers. For Castor, I rubbed and squeezed his waist.
“This is my second chance, Hellhound Bitch. I wouldn’t miss it.” Zethan hugged me tighter.
Mia’s shouts at Alaric broke the moment. “Let me go!” She wrangled with him for control to take off and not look back.
Alaric glanced over his shoulder. “What do you think? Is she ready?”
My burbling stomach said no, but my heart said let her fly and be free.
Mia beamed at me, proud of herself, and I chuckled. “C’mon, Mom.”
How could I say no to such an adorable face? “Okay, but be careful.”
“Yes!” Her little legs threw everything into pedaling and Alaric jogged to keep up.
Delighted tears pricked my eyes. I missed so much in her life. First birthday. First step. First word. First day at school. Some of the hole at missing those events filled in with being present for her first encounter on a bicycle.
Zethan clutched me tighter, his palm skating along my shoulders. “See? You haven’t missed every first.”
I loved this man. How Zethan made me feel supported and cherished in a single interaction. How he’d follow me through fire and flood. How he’d love Mia like she was his own. Family came before the club, and that reassured me I would never have to contend with a competitor for his affections.
What I loved even more was the smile he maintained even through the darkness clouding him for breaking club rules. When his role as VP was on the line. I thought the club and shelter were his world, but he proved to me that it didn’t mean everything. Zethan was my shining light through all of this.
I sniffed and wiped away the tears. “No, I haven’t.”
“And there’ll be plenty more firsts.” He squeezed me tighter to his side. “Tooth fairy. High school. Boys.” He wagged his eyebrows at that.
I hit him and snorted. “Don’t you dare encourage her.”